September 7th will going to be remembered as a tragic day for all of the hockey fans out there.
On this day a Russian plane carrying some of the best hockey players in the world, crashed into a riverbank only a few minutes after taking off. The crash killed 43 people – 27 players of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl team (3 of them were Czechs and one was Slovak), 2 coaches and 7 club officials.
The plane was taking the team to Minsk (the capital of Belarus) where they were supposed to play the opening game of the season.
This accident was labeled as one of the worst plane crashes ever involving a sports team.
The National Post further describes the situation:
‘Many in the Czech Republic also took the news hard (see the photo: Czech fans gathered at the Old Town Square).
“Jan Marek, Karel Rachunek, and Josef Vasicek contributed greatly to the best successes of our ice hockey in the recent years, first of all to the golden medals at the world championships in 2005 and 2010,” said Tomas Kral, the president of the Czech ice hockey association. “The were excellent players, but also great friends and personalities. That’s how we will remember them.”
Fans planned to gather Thursday at the Old Town Square in the Czech capital of Prague, where national team players usually celebrate, to commemorate the three Czech players. Vasicek was on the Carolina Hurricanes’ 2006 Stanley Cup team.
In the western Slovak city of Trencin, where Demitra started his career and where he played during the NHL lockout 2004-05 season, hundreds fans gathered outside the ice hockey stadium Wednesday night to light candles in his memory.’
CZ:Mnoho z vas jiz slyselo o leteckem nestesti, ktere v Rusku zabilo 43 lidi, z toho 3 ceske reprezentanty a mistry sveta Jana Marka, Karla Kachunka a Josefa Vasicka. Jednou z obeti byla take obrovska slovenska hokejova hvezda Pavol Demitra. I kdyz nejsem zrovna hokejovy fanousek, tato hrozna zprava me opravdu vzala. Vetsina z hracu melo manzelky a male deti, ktere sve tatinky uz nikdy neuvidi.
Pouze 2 lide prezili, a to hokejovy hrac Galimov a 1 palubni inzenyr. Galimovuv stav je stale kriticky, ma hluboke popaleniny na 80 az 90 procentech tela.
Pricina havarie se dosud vysetruje, ale zatim to vypada, ze hlavnim duvodem padu letadla byl nedostatecny tah motoru, ktery pilotovi nedal dostatek casu odlepit se od ranveje (= stary rusky krap).
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Damn sad. I met Vasicek in Havlickuv Brod, his hometown, and saw him on the square with the Stanley Cup. He also had one of the best restaurants in town but was very modest about his success.
Ahoj Tani, je to opravdova tragedie a stale to nedokazu pochopit. Jsem hokejovy fanousek, pochazim z hokejove rodiny (i muj muz je byvaly hokejista) a bratranec dokonce v roce 2003 hral za tu Jaroslav a pomohl jim vyhrat prestizni pohar KHL. Nastesti ho potom uz neangazovali, bylo mu to lito, ale jak je videt, zachranilo mu to zivot. Obcas se male osobni prohry ukazou byt v budoucnu velkymi vyhrami. Clovek nikdy nevi, co ho ceka…vazme si kazdeho dne s nasimi detmi!
Andy, I did not know he owned a restaurant too – what a smart dude!
Ahoooj Pavli! No to jsem nevedela, ze pochazis z takove hokejove rodiny!!! Je to fakt hruza…tata mi po Skypu rikal, ze to letadlo bylo proste stare, a ze Rusaci proste nedodrzuji ty letadlove prohlidky, ja by meli :((( A to tentokrat vezli opravdovou smetanku spolecnosti! Taky si mohli tentokrat dat vic zalezet na te prohlidce…