A giant Czech man-made lake Milada (located in the northern part of the Czech Republic) may be a ready-to-use tourist attraction by the year 2013. It came to life after a deserted coal pit was filled with 35 thousand million liters of water and flooded three former villages.
Milada is not the only such lake. It is one of the other 3 lakes which were created the same way. Water re-cultivation appears to be an inexpensive way how to beautify the land which was devastated by coal mining.
The locals hope the site to become another Macha’s lake, a place of leisure, filled with thousands of swimmers, dock yards, hotels and cyclists. All this will depend on whether the local community has the money to fund these recreational projects or not.
However, the lake has also a couple of drawbacks. Since it is located in a giant pit, the wind is almost non-existent, which will discourage yachtsmen from coming. The banks are also quite unstable, causing frequent mini-land slides. What is more is that the area still has coal deposits underground (about 100 million tons), which is about 2 to 3 years worth of supply for the whole Czech Republic.
I really hope they can make this happen because there is nothing better than swimming in a lake that was formerly a coal mine: the water is so clear, that you can see all the way to the bottom of it!
CZ: Obri jezero Milada, ktere zaplnilo diru po jednom opustenem uhelnem dolu u Usti nad Labem, by pry melo byt v provozu jiz v roce 2013. Cesi doufaji, ze se stane obdobou Machova jezera, i kdyz v jeho okoli zustavaji nadale skarede zasobi uhli.
Milada ovsem neni jedine takove jezero; je jedno ze tri dalsich tri jezer v Podkrusnohori, ktere vznikla stejnym zpusobem. Vodni rekultivace je totiz relativne levna a take zpestri mistni krajinu. Ma tvar obdelniku, 700 metru krat 3,2 km, s maximalni hloubkou kolem 25 metru (dela to celkem 35 miliard litru vody).
Pristi leto by se tu uz mohli zacit koupat lide, mohla by se take rozjet stavba koupalist, hotelu nebo lodenic…vsechno zalezi na jednotlivych obcich, jestli budou schopne vystavbu zaplatit. Milada se ale bohuzel nachazi v jakemsi doliku, tudiz tam prilis nefouka a to se jachtarum vubec libit nebude. Nektere svahy jsou take nestabilni a hrozi mensimi sesuny pudy.
Budoucnost Milady ohrozuje take uhli. Pod jeho povrchem je stale jeste zhruba 100 milionu tun, coz by mohlo zasobovat Cechy 2-3 roky.
Ja pevne doufam, ze se jim to podari uskutecnit, protoze neznam nic lepsiho, nez plavat v jezere, ktere bylo vytvorene zatopenim uhelneho dolu. Voda je tak cista a pruzracna, ze muze clovek videt az na same dno!
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Ha, funny, I am about twenty mins from there right now and my dad works in Usti. It is correct that there is still coal down there; however, it would not be cost efficient to mine it. 🙂 Nothing seems to be cost efficient over here anymore.
Ha, no way! You will be our on-the-spot reporter! So are they planning on make a recreational center out of it (hotels…), like the article says?