This is truly so funny the funniest thing ever! Chuck Norris is an American movie star known to the Czechs mostly from the 80’s shows like ‘The Delta Force‘ or ‘The Firewalker‘. His career in the US may have slowed down a bit but that does not mean that he is retiring. He is starting a new career in the Czech Republic! The Czech T-mobile executives tried to hire celebrities like John Travolta or Danny DeVito but since they turned down the offer the firm had to ‘settle’ for Mr. Norris. Not bad!!
I found one of those famous commercials on YouTube, which has been getting millions of hits from viewers all over the world.
Read the article attached and watch those videos – it will make your day!
CZ: Nevim, jestli jste si toho vedomi, ale Chuck Norris (Americky herec, nam znamy z filmu jako je “The Delta Force” nebo “The Firewalker”) zacina na stari novou karieru v Cechach. Mistni T-mobilova agentura si ho totiz najala jako hlavniho hrdinu jejich velmi zabavnych reklam. Pravda, vybrali si ho az pote, co je odmitly celebrity jako je John Travolta nebo Danny DeVito, ale stejne je to pro ne podle meho nazoru vyhra.
Dole je uvedeny cely clanek teto novinkove bomby a take jsem na YouTube nasla jednu z onych vyse zminenych reklam T-mobilu. Poctete si, a mrknete na videa – opravdu vam to zlepsi naladu!

Awesome… go Chuck!
Jo jo, Chuck je tam znamej, vzdycky byl! Je spravnej, ale mohl by se oholit, jaksi ty fousy uz nejsou ono 🙂
No, s tim fousem vypada jako deda…i kdyz teda deda je ale ve forme/Yes, with that beard he looks like some grandpa (although he technically a grandpa is but in a really great shape!)
No prave, myslim, ze by vypadal mladsi bez fousu….ale asi by ho lidi nepoznavali….