Are you a Czech or Slovak living in the USA or Canada and looking for a cool job? This may just be your day. Two business-minded Czechs from Prague are coming to the USA next week to look for new travel agents. They have been owning a traveling agency called Incoczech Travel Prague since 1993 and are looking for more clients via spreading their business in the USA and Canada. However, they need you to help them. If you are interested in something like this, both owners will be visiting America next week (9/26/2010 – to 10/10/2010) and they would love to get in touch with you. Here is their contact:
Ivo Kostelac
Phone #: +420 296 799 604
POZOR – HLASENI! Hledame Cechy a Slovaky zijici v USA nebo Kanade a pracujici v odjezdovém cestovnim ruchu (outbound travel industry )!! Dva velmi podnikavi Cesi z Prahy, kteri vlastni incomingovou cestovni kancelar Incoczech Travel Prague, hledaji krajany pracujici v cestovnim ruchu (nejlepe v Bostonu, Minneapolis, Dallasu, Houstonu a Torontu, nebo blizkem okoli ) . Ivos a Honza zavitaji k nam do Ameriky 26. 9., zustanou az do 10.10. a chystaji se rozsirit rady svych zakazniku touroperatory a cestovnimi kancelaremi v USA a Kanade. Pokud mate chut se s nimi sejit a vyslechnout si jejich nabidku sluzeb tykajici se Prahy, Cech, Slovenska a cele Stredni Evropy a casem s nimi treba zacit spolupracovat, nevahejte je kontaktovat:
Ivo Kostelac
Phone #: +420 296 799 604
That sounds pretty good! Except I was never the salesman type so I am out of the question as far as travel agent job goes…