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Lada’s picture comes alive / Ladova Rvacka nakratko ozivla

lada-rvacka /google imageJosef Lada is a phenomenal, self-taught  Czech writer and an illustrator. Born into a poor cobbler’s family, Lada’s love for drawing made him a self-taught prodigy of a unique style of drawing. In fact, his style is so ‘Lada’ that it is almost impossible to make a mistake when identifying his drawings.

One of his more famous drawings is called “Hospodska Rvacka” (‘Bar Fight’) from 1943, in which he depicts about 50 individuals fighting in a local pub. Why are they fighting? Maybe the innkeeper told them there was no beer left to serve? Who knows…

This serious action drawing was recently reenacted by a Czech artist in a local Olomouc pub. How did it go? Did they manage to pull out the original face expressions? Who ‘won’ the role of that guy who is being bit in his behind by some local pooch? Watch this YouTube video:

CZ: Poznavate tento Laduv znamy obrazek? Nazval ho vystizne “Hospodska rvacka”; presne jsem to nespocitala, ale odhaduji, ze alespon 50 lidi do sebe maze hlava nehlava, jako by jim nekdo rekl, ze pivo zmizelo z povrchu zemskeho a to navzdy. Predstavte si, ze tento akcni vykres nedavno ozil v jedne Olomoucke hospode. Podarilo se jim sehnat dostatek hercu? A ktery chudak si vylosoval mit psa zakousleho v zadku?? Podivejte se na toto zajimave YouTube video:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Lada

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1 comment… add one
  • Karen April 14, 2010, 1:03 am

    What fun!

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