The Czech Republic’s tourist spot is Prague; Slovakia has the magnificent Tatras; China has the Great Wall; Japan has the Mount Fuji and…what else? How about these images of a truly astonishing Rice-paddy art that my friend sent me? ‘The Japanese artists create the murals by planting little purple and yellow-leafed Kodaimai rice along with their local green-leafed Tsugaru, a Roman variety,to create the coloured patterns in the time between planting and harvesting in September.’
Isn’t this crazy?!
CZ: Cesi se mohou vytahovat Prahou, Slovaci Tatrami, Cinane Cinskou zdi a Japonci horou Fuji…nebo jsem neco vynechala? A co takhle japonske umeni zasevani ryze (tzv. Rice-paddy art)? Tyto fotky mi poslala jedna z mych kamaradek a nemohla jsem si pomoci, nez vam je ukazat. Neni to nadhera?

I like it!!!
I have seen this few months ago. It’s pretty cool.