My husband was recently telling me about his childhood arrow. When he was about 7 years old he found out that Santa did not exist and that just scared him tremendously. I tried to think of a time when I found out that Jesus does not bring us presents (for those who don’t know, it is Jesus who traditionally brings Christmas presents to the Czech and Slovak children). But I just can’t remember….I remember writing him letters and putting them behind the window so that he sees it when he is flying around and I remember bragging to the kids at school that I had seen Jesus’s feet as he was flying out of our window on Christmas Eve.
Here is a question for you:
CZ: Pred nedavnem mi manzel vypravoval, jak vlastne zjistil, ze Santa neexistuje. Bylo mu asi 7 let a hrozne ho to zranilo. To me privedlo na myslenky, jak jsem vlasnte zjistila ja, ze mi Jezisek ve skutecnosti neprinasi darky. Vubec si na tuhle epizodu meho zivota nemuzu vzpomenout; jenom si pamatuju, jak jsem mu psala dopisy a pak jsem je davala za okno, aby je pri jeho litacich pochuzkach videl…..taky si pamatuju, jak jsem se detem ve skole vytahovala, ze jsem na Stedry vecer zahledla jeho nohy zrovna kdyz vyletaval oknem z naseho obyvaku.
Mam tedy pro vas otazku:

There should be one more option “I don’t remember to ever have believed in Santa” (or the creature that brings presents). I knew from the very beginning that Christmas is for people exchanging gifts amongst themselves… And I am glad. 🙂
Tanjo, to je dobre, ze si nepamatujes, kdy Jezisek prestal pro tebe existovat, protoze ty si pamatujes to nejhezci, kouzlo vanoc. Ja si pamatuji do dnes, kdyz jeden rok moji rodice proste zacali davat darky pod stromecek na Stedry vecer. Nepamatuji si kolik mi bylo presne let, hadam teenager, ale skoro jsem se rozbrecela ten vecer.Mozna, ze je lepsi si tuto prilezitost nepamatovat.
Ja si nepamatuju, ze bych kdy na Jeziska verila…byl to spis takovy eufemismus pro darky a vanoce…ne ze by me to nejak poznamenalo, to teda ne, vanoce mam hrozne rada a “jeziska” taky 🙂
I am American so I never thought Jesus brought presents, it was always Santa. Christmas is Jesus’s birthday and we celebrated his birthday by going to church and giving him a present through the church in a money offering to help the poor with food and gifts for the children whose parents couldn’t afford any.
What do you mean Jezisek does not bring presents on Christmas? Did I miss something? 🙂 I do not remember when I found out, but I still look out of the window to check every year. And my kids believe in both Jezisek and Santa.
Thanks for the post.
Yeah, what do you mean??? Leave my Jezisek alone, I just finished up writing him a letter!! 😉
Ja si pamatuju a vidim to jako dnes, jak jsme si hrali ve skolce na pisku, a nase soudruzka Alenka nam rekla, ze Jezisek neexistuje!!! bylo skoro 7 roku, a vubec jsem ji neverila a jine deti taky ne!!! Do dneska nechapu, proc nam to tvrdila a chtela pokazit radost! No jo, to byli ty soudruzky ;o)
Pamatuju si, jak se nam smala kdyz jsme se branili, a tvrdili, ze to tak neni, a pak rekla, ze az budeme velci, tak ji mame prijit rict, jestli mela pravdu.
No, ale ja do dneska verim na Jeziska, takze aspon nemusim kupovat zadne darky na vanoce….. samozdrejme zertuju ;o)
@Marika: How sad is that! There must be a better way to do that…
@Lenka: How interesting! So your kids believe in both? Just out of curiosity, how did you do that? Do they believe that 1/2 of the presents come from Santa and 1/2 from Jesus?
@Martina: No to je zprominutim kaca skodoliba, vid?
To je dobre ze v nej jeste veris…a prinasi ti darky, prinasi??? 😉
We have a traditional dinner on 24th with salad and fish and klobasy, we listen to czech songs and then wait for Jezisek to ring the bell. He always brings couple of presents for all of us. Then Santa comes in the morning with the majority. My husband always laughs and sais Jezisek is cheap 🙂 The kids know when we are in Czech that Jezisek comes and brings ALL the gifts so Santa does not have to make a special trip over there.
That’s pretty cute…and smart too :))
Hezký článek o Ježíškovi a Santovi:
Ahoj Jakube, tak to si urcite proctu – a pak o tom mozna i napisu – diky za typ!
I would distinguish Jezisek and Jesus Christ. I don’t like Jesus, he is a zombie, but Jezisek, I think, he is his good relative, and he has lot of money (I don’t ask where he got it, the IRS would want to share his wealth). I like Jezisek, he gives presents, he lives a healthy live style (he has to fit in chimneys) and he like animals. He is using green energy and I am sure, when he flies in skies, he is dropping also so much needed fertilizer to make our planet more green.
Jezisek, it is way to go….(in one schools, in a song, the word Jesus (maybe Jezisek) has been replaced by word Obama…I am not kidding!!!. For sure, he fits in a chimney)
My English sucks: I wanted to write: In one school song….
Samozrejme komunisticke soudruzky mely pravdu, kdyz sirily zpravy, ze Jezisek neexistuje. Male deti si musely uvedomit, ze bez prace nejsou kolace a ze nejaky “imaginary” friend jim z toho srabu nepomuze. Jedine Komunisticka Strana nam mohla dat , to co nepotrebujem a dovolit nam se tesit na veci, ktere jsme tak chteli. Takto Vanocni spirit v nas zil cele roky a porad jsme doufali ve svetle zitrky, kdy nam Jezisek,pardon , strana , prinese treba Xbox360 nebo Mac pocitac… pak nekteri z nas byli vyplaveni na druhe strane oceanu a ke sve litosti zjistili, ze komunisti meli pravdu: Jezisek neexistuje!!! Vsechno, co clovek chce, je v obchodech a o vanocich rodice lzou svym detem a strkaji jim do ponozek ruzne veci, ktere jsou zrovna ” on sale”… Tomu rikam opravdovy moralni upadek… Samozrejme, my Cesi jsem narod lichotivy a k nam Jezisek lita, i kdyz neexistuje…Go and figure 🙂