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Finding my ‘fortune’ in beads / ‘Poklad’ se nachazi v koralcich

spilled beadsI’ve got to tell you this story because it’s just too funny (or sad?) not to tell. So, the other day I have been working on the Lemon-n-lime jewelry piece that one of you  ordered and this is how it went down:

I start stringing those Czech beads on a string and everything is going well. Hahna is taking her nap, I am sipping on a cup of good coffee and listening to some calming classical music. My strand is done in about 20 minutes and I lay it down on the table to take a sip of my beverage. As I am picking the bead strand again I realize that I have not closed it on one side yet but it was too late……..all of those beads spilled out into my half-empty coffee mug!!!! “Great, now I have to start over AND wash these coffee-stained beads AND dry them!”

So I went into the kitchen. put these poor crystals into the strainer and gave them a good wash. Then I laid them onto a paper towel, gave them a good rub and left them to dry while I was redoing the whole necklace over. I finished the second one with no accidents, thank God.

Meanwhile, the afternoon rolls into the evening and it was time for me to start cooking some dinner. As I am moving things around on the kitchen counter, I see this scrunched up paper towel. I grab it to throw it away and guess what? Those same beads poured out of that towel all over my counter, sink and the floor and under the furniture…..

So I spent the next 20 minutes picking them up and of course, I had to wash them again and dry them. THIS time I placed them far away from me so that a similar accident does not happen again.

It is time to eat now, I dish up some good old mashed potatoes and roasted chicken. Hungry, all of us start shoveling this delicious dish into our mouths when I suddenly scream out “OUCH!!!!”. Yes, you guessed it!! A couple of those beads got mixed in with my mashed potatoes and I bit into them! It hurt like I don’t know what and I think that I have actually cracked my tooth.

So, let me see: something that should have taken me half an hour at the most took up the whole evening and I might need a new crown. How about that entrepreneur’s spirit now?!

CZ: Tak se vam musim sverit, co se mi pred nedavnem stalo. Pracovala jsem na jedne sperkove objednavce – vyrabela jsem muj tzv. Lemon-n-lime retizek (velka hitovka, mimochodem). Bylo pozdni odpoledne, slunicko mi hezky prosvitalo do pokojiku, Hanicka spinkala, ja mela pred sebou dobry hrnek kafe a k navlekani koralku mi  hrala uklidnujici vazna hudba. Co vic by si clovek mohl prat? Asi za 20 minut jsem mela vsechny koralky navlecene a polozila jsem je na chvili na stul, abych se napila meho vitecneho tepleho napoje. Po te jsem opet vzala retizek do ruky, ovsem za spatny konec. Vsechny koralky se mi vysypaly nejen ze  po celem stole a na zem, ale take do meho hrnicku s horkym kafem!!! “No, to je opravdu vyborne, ted je musim vsechny umyt a vysusit!”, rozlobene jsem si nadavala.

Vsechny jsem je sesbirala, v kuchyni je v sitku pekne proplachla a nechala je susit na papirovem ubrousku. Pak jsem se vratila k tvorbe novyeho nahrdelniku – ten dopadl na stesti uz bez nehody. Mezitim slunce zapadlo za obzor, setmelo se a bylo na case pripravit neco k veceri. Zacala jsem na kuchynske lince tudiz delat misto, pripravila jsem talire a zrovna kdyz jsem se chystala veceri servirovat, zahledla jsem na kuchynske lince zmuchlany papirovy ubrousek. Jako spravna hospodynka jsem se rozhodla ho vyhodit, aby byl v kuchyni poradek. No, a jak jsem ho popadla, z mileho ‘odpadku’ se vysypaly OPET ty same zpropadene korale!! Pro zmenu se rozsypaly na kuchynskou linku, na zem, pod stul a pod skrine…no, proste vsude. Trvalo mi opet asi 20 minut, nez jsem je vsechny sesbirala….no, hruza. Hladova  a nasupena konecne naserviruji bramborovou kasi a kure na talire a jde se jist. Vsichni jsme se do jidla s chuti pustili (bramborova kase je nase oblibena), ja najednou ale vykriknu nesnesitelnou bolesti “AUUUUU!!!” Ano, ano, hadate spravne, kousla jsem do ceho jineho nez do zpropadeneho koralku!! Skryval se v bramborove kasi.

Tak se na to jeste jednou podivejme s prehledem. Retizek, ktery mi mel trvat asi tak pul hodiny, me vysel na cele odpoledne a vecer a jeste k tomu zrejme potrebuji novou korunku. No, to jsem teda pani podnikatelka!

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

6 comments… add one
  • Nicola November 20, 2009, 5:29 am

    Oh my God, Tanja!
    You make me remember my wife who is also czech and who is very active and does lot of things in our house. She is so much active and quick that sometimes she ends up involved in situations similar to what happened to you…
    😀 😉
    Now I think that it must be a tipical czech famale feature…

  • Tanja November 20, 2009, 6:14 pm

    Haha – this may just be the Czech gene trait (or is it a mutation??).

    Tell your wife to keep it up because one day, she may reach perfection in everything she is striving for 😉

  • Laura November 20, 2009, 6:26 pm

    Totally reminded me of my mother (may she rest . . . Na- she is laughing at me . . . . when I do the same thing!!!!!

  • Laura November 20, 2009, 6:27 pm

    Totally reminded me of my mother (may she rest . . . Na- she is in heaven laughing at me . . . . when I do the same thing!!!!! Is it a Czech thing?

  • Melissa November 20, 2009, 10:07 pm

    Oh no! This makes me laugh and cringe at the same time. I also enjoy making jewelry, but I know how much trouble it can be to clean it all up when those silly beads spill!

    Hope your tooth is ok:)

  • Tanja November 21, 2009, 12:10 am

    Tooth is OK after all :)) I just have to learn how to be more organized…my weak spot :(((

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