This is a perfect Saturday leisurely post for kids as well as for adults. I also included a silent cartoon called Pat a Mat (A je to!) which should be a requirement at schools – in other words, it is SOOO good that everyone should see it!!!
CZ: Tady mame perfektni pohodovy post pro Sobotni (destove?) odpoledne – pohadky! Tak nohy na stul, otevrete si balicek bramburek a jede se na to…
1/ Ferda Mravenec
3/ Postak Pat (new one to me…)
4/ Pane, pojdte si hrat!
5/ A JE TO (Pat a Mat)! (We are totally into this one right now..)
6/ Cerveny trakturek (also one of the new cartoons)
6/ Broucci