Do you like to listen to the Czech Radio over the internet? Which one do you like the most? Radio Kiss or Radio Blanik? or Evropa 2? A Czech website called has a list of ALL of the Czech Radios so you can test whichever you like the best. We can thank our Czechmate Diary reader Iva who gave us thist wonderful tip :0)
PS: Radio Blanik plays only Czech songs!
CZ: Poslouchate radi ceske radio pres internet? A ktere se vam libi nejvice? Radio Kiss, Blanik nebo Evropa 2? Webovky maji list VSECH ceskych radii, takze si je muzete do jednoho otestovat a poslechnout si je on-line. Muzeme za tento super typ podekovat Czechmate Diary ctenarce Ive :o)
PS: Radio Blanik hraje pouze ceske pisnicky!
Ja v praci posloucham Cesky Rozhlas 2 Praha, hlavne porad “Kava o ctvrte” kde moderator/ka beseduje na aktualni temata s hosty, dale porad “Jak to vidi” kde hoste (napr. Tana Fisherova, Max Kasparu, Pavel Kosatik, Ivan Kraus a dalsi) hovori o tom jak vidi soucasne deni v CR a ve svete, mym oblibencem je tez “Kolotoc,” “Hovory o vztazich,” “Hovory na belidle,” a hodne dalsich. Web rozcestnik na vsechny stanice Ceskeho rozhlasu jsou zde:
Archivy vsech odvysilanych poradu naleznete zde:
Prijemny poslech!
Jana z Los Angeles.
I prefer Evropa2!
To Jana: I have to check those out! I just have to find the time to listen to them 🙂
To Caroline: I used to listen to Evropa 2 all the time when I was living in Czech!
My favourite is radiozunal and radio ZET. You can listen to most of czech radio stations at