Way back when, when I was about 16 years old I had my appendix removed. The operation was successful although my appendix was wrapped around my stomach so instead of a quick one hour operation it was a 5-hour ordeal, but I am alive, which is all that matters.
After the operation was over and I gained consciousness I was given a choice to recover either in the pediatric department or to stay with the adults. I chose to stay with the ‘kids’ since I was almost postitive that some other sickly 16- or 15- year-old will share my misery there.Unfortunately, that did not turn out to be the case. The oldest kid after me was 5 years old. The dining room had a little kid tables with colorful matching kid chairs; most beds had rails on them and the bed time was at 6pm. And I had 2 ‘wonderful’ weeks to spend in this environment! Most of the days I wasted my time reading my favorite book called “Mladi v hajzlu” (My life in the dumps) which lessen my misery by at least a bit.
I do not want to talk about how miserable I felt though. I want to talk about the other kids. Get ready for this. What am I about to tell you is so crazy that even my own father, a doctor at that particular hospital, did not believe me. When any of the children happened to make a peep after the directed bed time (6 pm) one of the nurses would come in and punished them in a following way: she would take that poor victim in another room and intentionally hurt him by injecting an empty injection into his arm. I remember those poor souls crying and crying without any help on sight. I was terrified and I made sure to have my eyes closed after 6 o’clock! When I mentioned that to my father he did not believe me and up to this day refuses to believe such a vile behavior. Too bad because it is the truth.
CZ: Pred tisici lety, kdyz mi bylo kolem 16-ti let, dostala jsem slepaka. Operace se povedla – tedy jsem nazivu – ale misto 1 hodiny to doktorum trvalo asi 5 hodin, protoze jsem mela slepe strevo obmotane kolem zaludku. Pote, co jsem se probudila na post-operacnim pokoji se me sestra zeptala, jestli se pry chci zotavovat na detskem oddeleni anebo s dospelaky. Bez meskani jsem rekla, ze chci byt na detskem, blahove jsem si totiz myslela, ze tam najdu par svych trpicich vrstevniku. Chyba lavky. Nejstarsimu diteti po mne bylo 5 let; vetsina posteli mela mrize pro mimina, v jidelne byli pestrobarevne miniaturni stoli a zidlicky jako to byvalo ve skolce a spat se slo v 6 vecer. A to jsem v tom propadenem oddeleni musela stravit 2 tydny! Nastesti jsem si krusne chvile kratila ctenim knizky “Mladi v hajzlu”, ktera mi dodavala sily.
Nechci vam tady ale vypravet o sobe; chci se vam sverit, co se tam delo ostatnim detem. Jestlize si totiz jedno z techto malych deti ‘dovolilo’ vypustit hlasek po 6. hodine vecerni, prisla si pro nej sestra a potrestala ho nasledovne: pichla ho do ruky prazdnou injekci a to aby to bolelo dostatecne, aby si to svoje chovani priste ‘parchant’ rozmyslel. To je co? Do dneska mi to muj tata, toho casu doktor v teto nejmenne nemocnici, neveri. Je to skoda, protoze to je naprosta pravda.
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NEeeeeeee…that’s terrible! I’m glad you made it out alive for all of us, Tanja! But the crummy nurse’s “punishment” is horrible – and your father didn’t believe you! Betrayal!
Hi Ernest!
Isn’t that terrible?! I still feel ashamed I did not do anything about it; after all I WAS the oldest patient there! I was probably afraid that I would get a ‘special’ punishment if I had done something about it. Well, I did tell my dad but that did not seem to help…
Don’t feel ashamed! I don’t think the nurse could be as crazy as the nurse in Stephen King’s novel and movie, “Misery,” but you never know…at least your daughter (and future generations of Czech children) will get much better health care!
I don’t have any complaints against Czech healthare.
When I wanted to avoid a draft to Czech army, I successfully convinced doctors that I can get a heart attack even if I am only walking and I had been classified as psychically unstable and almost dangerous for society…. I would be a wrong peron to entrust a weaponery…
Hail Czech Healthcare ! 😉
BTW, I have seen many incompetent docrors and dentist here in USA as well. Now, I have an excellent doctor and dentist, but it takes tiem to find them….
I have been always afraid to get cut off a wrong leg ….
I agree, I used to think that American doctors are better but not anymore….I was surprised how many of them just don’t care! I guess it’s a universal law that a lot of them went into this field just to make money.