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The EU fears the Czechs will make all women become professional-but-desperate-home-makers / EU se boji, ze Cesi vsechny Evropanky zazenou k plotne

lovely google imageThe European Parliament fears that the Czechs will make all of the EU women  become unappreciated stay-home moms. It fears that all of the women will end up locked up in the kitchen for the next 6 months, barefoot and with their kids, while all of their belongings will be taken away, except for the wooden spoon and an apron. Why? Because the Czech presidency dared to propose ‘children to be considered an adequate alternative to a professional career’. The EU wrote in its informal discriminatory report that ‘this vision points to the traditional division of work between a man and a woman, where the man works full time and the “invisible hand” (woman) takes care of his needs, the household and their children’ (man, someone’s unhappy wife must have written this document). These harsh comments were not taken well by some Czech members of the Europarliament like Mr. Jaroslav Zverina, who responded accordingly: ” I believe that this critique comes from a pure feminist ideology, where the woman’s anatomy is equal to the man’s, without a uterus and that woman’s reproductive organs are really not that important to the world”.

The fact is that the Czechs make their belief work in practice. Only 3% of children under the age of 3 attend some kind of daycare, the rest stays home with their mom. Slovakia has also very low numbers, where only 5% of these children go to kindergarten. These figures are obviously VERY low compared to other EU states such as Denmark, where over 70% of children under 3 years-of-age attend daycare institutions.

I personally agree with the Czech government here; the EU countries ought to discuss how should little children be raised – after all it is ‘only’ the future citizens we are talking about here. What is wrong with the “traditional division of work between a man and a woman”? Isn’t raising our kids the most important thing? And if one is a stay-home mom and her husband does not appreciate what she does for the family, hence she feels like the “invisible hand”, that is not the ‘traditional family’ issue, that to me sounds more like a marital issue in a need of counseling.

CZ: Evropsky parliament ostre kritizuje Cechy za to, ze svou agendou udajne nuti zeny zustat v domacnosti, starat se o deti, a opustit profesionalni zivot (zkratka se boji, ze Cesi vsechny zeny EU zavrou do kuchyne – a to i se svmymi nezbednymi ratolestmi – do jedne ruky jim vrazi varecku a do druhe zasteru a klic vyhodi do hlubin Cerneho more). Ceske predsednictvi se ale ohrazuje, ze chce otevrit debatu o dulezitosit pece o deti, povazuje totiz deti za ‘plnohodnotnou  alternativu profesionalniho zivota’.Jak je videt ze statistikych udaju, Cesti toto predsevzeti skutecne praktikuji: rodice totiz umistuji sve deti do tri let do verejnych instituci totiz vubec nejmene z EU (3%).  Zatimco napriklad v Dansku chodi do jeslicek pres 70% deti. Slovensko je splolecne s Ceskem mezi nejnizsimi procenty v EU, pouze 5% malych deti chodi do jeslicek.

EU se ale boji, ze toto predsevzeti (deti = plnohodnotna alternativa profesionalniho zivota) smeruje k tradicnimu rozdeleni prace mezi muze a zeny, kdy je muz pracovnikem na plny uvazek a o jeho osobni potreby se staraji “neviditelne ruce’ (zena), ktere pecuji o dum a rodinu, a nazyva to diskrimanci. Nad touto kritikou se mimo jinymi ohradil take europoslanec za ODS, Jaroslav Zverina. “Myslim si, ze (kritika) ideologicky vychazi z takove te predstavy feministek, ze zeny jsou jako muzi, a ze namaji delohu a ze jejich rozmnozovaci  a reprodukcni funkce neni pro lidstvo az tak dulezita,”rekl.

Ja osobne tedy v tomto pripade naprosto fandim nasi strane (Cesi). Vychovavat z nasich deti radne lidi/obcany je mnohem dulezitejsi nez osobni kariera. Samozrjeme, ze nemuzeme nikoho nutit, ale co je spatneho na diskuzi? Nevim, kdo tu diskriminujici zpravu napsal, ale to ze zenu tato osoba (asi jakasi nestastna manzelka) nazvala “neviditelnou rukou”, je preci lez! Nikdo tady zenu neviditelnou ruku nenazyva. Jestlize nejaky manzel svou zenu dostatecne neocenuje, za to co doma dela a ona se tedy citi jako “neviditelna ruka”, to uz je pripad pro manzelskou poradnu, sem to preci nepatri.


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3 comments… add one
  • Jewell Tok March 15, 2010, 11:25 pm

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  • kelvin October 31, 2012, 6:31 am

    I very much respect the Czech way of raising children.
    Because Czech women look after children and not by
    by nursery teachers one can clearly see the strong
    family bond. my friend is a Czech and i wish my
    wife had spent the time she spends with her son
    with my children. life is not about materiality but
    quality family time. i was so perplexed to see how
    my friend related with the mum and grand parents
    when i visited them in Petrovice. please do not trade
    this life style for any thing in a million years.

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