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How did Czechs and Slovaks in 1950’s see the “crazy” year of 2000? / Co ocekavali Cesi a Slovaci v 50. letech od roku 2000?

cosmic future google imageMy linguistic buddy Jamie forwarded me this awesome YouTube video the other day (thank you Jamie!) which you just have to watch; it is a REAL documentary about what Czechs and Slovaks  in 1957 expected in the “cosmic” year of 2000 to look like. When I watched it for the first time, I could not believe it was real! But it is real!!!
PS: the movie has English subtitles :0)

CZ: Muj linguisticky kamos Jamie mi nedavno doporucil YouTube video, na ktere se proste musite podivat. Je to vynatek ze zpravodajstvi ceske televize (CT1) z roku 1957, ktere divakum predstavuje, jak by mel “kosmicky” rok 2000 vubec vypadat. Je to fakt sranda – tedy to, ze to ti zpravodajove mysli vazne :0)

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2 comments… add one
  • Nikola February 1, 2009, 11:09 pm

    This is really cool! I remember when I was a small child (and I am 30 now), we would always try to imagine what the year 2000 would be like. And this is even older!!! I wish some of the things came true, though… What do you think 2050 will be like?

  • Tanja February 2, 2009, 12:28 am

    Man, 2050….are we still even going to be here??? Maybe we will be all living on the Moon like “Neznalek” by then 🙂

    Rok 2050 – to zni opravdu kosmicky; a budeme tady vubec jeste? Mozna, ze budeme vsichni bydlet na MEsici jako Neznalek!!

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