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And the book of the year is../ A knihou roku se stala…

I don’t know how about you but I like to read (the proper English word for it would be a “bookworm”). I make myself read Czech books as well so that the Czech reading part of my brain (called the “czechothalamus“) doesn’t completely shut off. That is also why I am always on a lookout for a good Czech book. The Czech newspaper Lidove Noviny recently announced “The Best Book of the Year” called the “Lexicon of the Czech Literature“. It consists of 4 parts and contains a mixture of authors that were published exclusively by the Academia publishing company.

  • 2nd place won a novel by Tomas Zmeskal called “Milostny Dopis klinovym pismem” (Love letter by cuneiform)
  • 3rd place – Cormac McCarthy: “Cesta” (The Road)
  • 4th place – Tereza Bouckova: “Rok kohouta” (The year of the rooster)

For the Czech book winners from the past years click here.

Do you have any good Czech book that you would like to recommend?? Let us know!

CZ: Ja nevim jak vy, ale ja rada ctu (myslim, ze se tomu v cestine rika “knihomil”). Nutim se cist take v cestine a to, aby mi ta ceska cteci cast meho mozku (odborne jmeno: “Czechothalamus”) nezanikla uplne. Jeden zpusob jak se dozvedet o novych, ale zaroven take kvalitnich ceskych knizkach je skrze ankety Knihy roku, ktera vychazi v Lidovych novinach jiz od roku 1928. Toto jsou vysledky letosniho rocniku:

  • 1. misto: Lexikon ceske literatury (kolektiv autoru)
  • 2. misto: Milostny dopis klinovym pismem (Tomas Zmeskal)
  • 3. misto: Cesta (Cormac McCarthy)
  • 4. misto: Rok kohouta (Tereza Brouckova)

Pro viteze z minulych rocniku kliknete zde.

A co vy? Mate nejakou ceskou knizku kterou byste radi doporucili? Sem s tim!


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