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The best christmas present ever / Nejlepsi vanocni darek na svete

This is the season to give….but what am I going to buy this year??? Another set of pens for my mom? And yet another electrical razor for my dad that he doesn’t really need? And a bunch of chocolate for my friends so they can blame me for their weight gain after the New Year is over? The past couple of years our family has done Christmas a little differently. I actually bought couple of chickens ($25) for my friend Jenn and 5 ducks ($35) for my other friend Leslie. Last year we bought one of our friends a goat. No, they don’t live on a farm, just the opposite.So what am I talking about?

Well, the goat really did not go to my friend’s house per se, but the non-profit organization World Vision delivered the animal to someone who really needed it: it went to a beyond-poor family in Kenya where the goat became the best Christmas present ever. It  provides them with a protein-rich milk, cheese and yogurt and the surplus of these products ia sold at the local market. The goat even provides – what we would call – the eco-friendly, organic fertilizer to the crop fields, increasing their yields. Meanwhile, my friend gets notified via the cutest Christmas card ever that she just bought a goat/chickens/ducks for some family in need (although someone else paid for it). Get it? It’ the BEST PRESENT EVER!!!

If you would also like to buy the best Christmas present ever, just click here and start shopping. If you are not into the animal presents too much you can give educational presents, agricultural presents, or even environmental presents. If you are confused and cannot decide on what to give, just click on the “most needed presents” category.

What can I say, it’s just – what you Americans say – a “win-win” situation. I love it.

CZ: Jsou tu Vanoce a s nimi i davani darku. Co mam ale tento rok vubec kupovat? Dalsi sadu kvalitnich propisek pro mamku? Nebo kalhoty pro tatu? Ale mama preci tisice propisek uz ma, a s tatou je to to same! A co koupim pro kamaradky? Bonboniery? A proc? Aby me po Novem Roce rozmrzele vycitaly, ze kvuli mne pribyly na vaze?? Vzdyt nikdo nic OPRAVDU nepotrebuje; vsichni jsme najedeni a obleceni. Proto nase rodina kupuje k Vanocum “zvlastni” darky. Kamaradce Jenn jsem koupila 2 kurata ($25) a dalsi kamaradku jsem obdarila 5ti kachnami ($35). Minuly rok jsme koupili pro jednoho z nasich pratel kozu! Asi se ptate:”To ziji na farme, nebo co?” Prave ze naopak! Ziji ve meste. Tyto zviratka totiz necestuji k nim do cinzaku, ale neziskova organizace zvana World Vision je posila do Keni, Haiti a dalsich chudych zemi po celem svete. Samotne kuzle nejen ze v budoucnosti poskytuje mleko a syr pro celou rodinu v nouzi ( a zbytek mohou prodat na trhu), ale take zasobuje obdelane pole organickym hnojivem. No a zatimco kuzlatko cestuje do sve nove rodiny, vas kamarad/pribuzny obdrzi krasne Vanocni pranicko, ktere mu sdeli, ze nevedomky nejake chude rodine koupil kozu.

Jestlize se vam tento napad libi a take chcete koupit ten Nejlepsi Darek na Svete, kliknete zde a zacnete nakupovat! Take je dulezite poznamenat, ze nemusite koupit zvirata; muzete koupit ucebni potreby, ekologicke zaopatreni, kola pro deti, aby mohli jezdit do skoly, nebo proste kliknete na “Most needed items”.

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

7 comments… add one
  • lenka December 8, 2008, 10:50 am

    Tani to je super clanok a taktiez motivacia pre druhych
    Viem o World Vision je to vyborna charitativna organizacia a stoji za to ju podporit

  • Tanja December 8, 2008, 11:24 am

    Hi Lenka,

    I really like World Vision. Not only you do something good and useful but you also make your surroundings aware of this gift giving possibility:)

    Ahoj Lenko! Mne se to taky hrozne libi. Nejlepsi na tom je, ze i kdyz nemas moc penez, tak porad nejaky ten darecek koupit muzes 🙂 a navic se to timto zpusobem take dovi okoli !

  • Blair Hunt December 8, 2008, 11:45 am

    A great supporter of World Vision is AIDtoCHILDREN.com.

    AIDtoCHILDREN.com is a dual-purpose site for building an English vocabulary and raising money for under privileged children in the most impoverished places around the world.

    Check it out at http://www.aidtochildren.com

  • lenka December 8, 2008, 4:16 pm

    Tani another good one is http://www.freerice.com you could improve your vocabulary and give rice to hungry.They have more subjects, so is fun and educational.

  • p December 9, 2008, 10:26 pm

    Thanks :} great idea.

  • Tanja December 9, 2008, 11:52 pm


    no problem! So do I have a goat coming my way now??

  • klaudia March 26, 2009, 8:03 pm

    Vyborna myslienka, bolo to aj na Oprah Show, je to prakticke a Ty si skromny clovek,ze o tom pises a takto davas,urcite viac ludi to bude brat za priklad.

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