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Czechs and their love-hate relationship with fish / Miluji Cesi ryby nebo je nenavideji?

The Czech Republic, one of Europe’s largest fish producers, has one of the lowest rates of fish consumption. Freshwater fish like carp and sander are being exported to all over the world, meanwhile most Czechs eat fish (carp) only once a year during Christmas. The Minister of Agriculture, Petr Gandalovic reveals some possible explanations to this fish mystery:

  1. customers have to prepare the fish by themselves, meaning one has to gut the fish – not a pleasant thing to do for most people
  2. The stores now do offer filleted fish but it is still not common in the Czech Republic so people are a little intimidated by that

Read more on this fish drama right here (click here).

CZ: Ceska republika je jednim z nejvestich dodavatelu ryb z cele Evropy, ale co je na tom to nejdivnejsi je, ze v porovnani s jinymi evropskymi staty, Cesi ryby skoro vubec nejedi. Vestina Cechu si da kapri polevku na Sterdry vecer o Vanocich a tim pro ne rybi “laska” konci. Ministr zemedelstvi Petr Gandalovic se reporterovi  Radia Prahy snazil vysvetlit proc to tak vubec je. Kapri se pry vestinou prodavaji zivi nebo cerstve zabiti, to znamena, ze si je zakaznik musi doma pripravit sam: tedy rybu zabit, vykuchat ji, odsupinatit (je to vubec slovo??) a nakrajet. Rybi filety se pry jiz take prodavaji, ale jelikoz to je stale jakasi novinka, lide se zdrahaji filety koupit.

Vice o tomto kaprim drama si muzete precist zde (kliknete zde).


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