In 2007 114,000 newborns in the Czech Republic (34.5%) were born to single women, which puts the Czechs in the 14th place out of 33 EU countries. While this number (114,000) is only 1% higher than from the last year it confirms a steady trend. Just look at the “extramarital babies” historical time line (in CR):
- 1920s – 1930s: 12% of children were born outside of marriage
- 1938 – 1990: 4% to 10% …………………………………………………
- 1990s and up: every year the numbers continue to rise
Currently “a typical single Czech mom is a young woman with low education and also in a risk of having an unstable partner, which means she will be single later on and probably not have anymore children….In the past, it was these women (women with basic education) who had the highest average number of children”. This sad trend may decrease the fertility in the Czech Republic from today’s already low 1.4 to 1.2 (children per person).
CZ: V roce 2007 se v Cechach narodilo svobodnym matkam 114 000 novorozencu (34.5%), coz radi Ceskou republiku – ze 33 zemich EU – na 14. misto. Zatimco toto cislo (114 000) je pouze o 1% vyssi nez v roce minulem, potvrzuje to celkovou vzrustajici tendency. Podivejte se, jak to s nemazelskymi detmi vypadalo v minulosti:
- 20. az 30. leta: 12% miminek se narodilo svobodnym matkam
- 1938 az 1990: 4% – 10% ……………………………………………….
- 1990 a pozdeji: cisla kazdym rokem vzrustaji
Typicka svobodna matka v dnesni dobe je ” mlada zena s nizkou vdelanosti a take v nebezbeci majici nestabilniho partera, coz znamena, ze v budoucnosti zustane nadale svobodna a nebude mit dalsi deti….V minulosti toumu bylo naopak: prave tyto nevzdelane zeny mely v prumeru nevetsi pocet deti”. Tento smutny trend v budoucnosti pravdepodobne snizi porodnost z nynejsiho 1.4 na 1.2 (pocet deti na osobu).
Ja si myslim, ze hlavnim duvodem jsou prispevky statu.
Mam hodne znamych v Cechach, kteri se nevzali jen proto aby meli vetsi prijem. Svobodna matka ma totiz vetsi prispevky na miminko nez vdana. /no tak proc toho nevyuzit a vzit se az pozdeji/
A to ze typicka svobodna matka je zena s nizkou vzdelanosti, to se me taky moc nezda.
That’s true, I totally forgot about the fact that single moms get more money from the government – now it makes sense!
To mas pravdu, uplne jsem zapomnela na to, ze svobodne matky dostavaji vic penez od statu! Ted to dela smysl!