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Questionnaire for Czechs & Czech-Americans living abroad / Anketa pro Cechy & Cecho-Americnany zijici v zahranici

Ivana, a graduate student from the Czech Republic is asking if we could do her a favor and possibly fill out one of her questionnaires for her research thesis. Her topic concentrates on Czechs/Czech-Americans living in the US and how it affects our overall Czech cultural heritage; do we retain it? Or do we lose it?

If you could be so kind and fill it out (it’s really short) that would be great. Ivana promised to give us the “results” one she is finished!

CZ: Ivana je postgradualni student z Cech a poprosila me, zda-li by ctenari Czechmate diary nemohli vyplnit par otazek pro jeji diplomovou praci. Pise totiz o Cesich/Cecho-Americanech zijicich v Americe. Budte tak hodni, a pomozte ji tim, ze anketu vyplnite – je to opravdu kratoucke. Dekuji! Ivana mi slibila, ze se pak podeli s vysledky!!!

Research questionnaire for Czechs/Czech-Americans living abroad

Once you fill them out, email them to i.stavarova[at]email.cz. Thank you!

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