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Number of Czechs abroad / Kolik Cechu zije v cizine

Czechs abroad

If you ever wonder how many of Czechs are living abroad and where, here is a very comprehensive table (for the complete table click here). I was surprised that Arentina, for example, is a home to about 30,000 Czechs! Rwanda, on the other hand, has only about 2 Czechs, so let’s hope they have a good relationships with each other! Take a look yourself:

CZ:Premyslite nekdy nad tim, kolik nas, Cechu, vubec ve svete je? Webovka czech.cz o tomto tematu poskytuje dosti souhrnny seznam (pro celkovy seznam kliknete zde). Prekvapila me napriklad Argentina, kde zije kolem 30 000 Cechu! Rwanda na druhou stranu, ma pouze 2 Cechy (doufejme ze se znaji, a ze spolu vychazi!). Mrknete se na to sami:


1. USA 1.299.000+300.000 (Czechs+Czechoslovaks)
2. Canada 79.910+39.760 (Czechs+Czechoslovaks)
3. Austria 54.627
4. Germany approx. 50.000
5. Slovakia 46.801
6. Great Britain approx. 40.000
7. Argentina approx. 30.000
8. Australia 21.196+6.000
9. France approx. 20-30.000
10. Switzerland approx. 12-15.000

11. Ireland approx. 11.000
12. Croatia 10.500
13. Ukraine 5.917
14. Sweden approx. 5-7.000
15. Belgium approx. 4.000
16. Italy approx. 4.000
17. JAR approx. 4.000
18. Israel approx. 3.000
19. The Netherlands approx. 3.000
20. Russian Federation approx. 3.000

For 2003/2004 census click here

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