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Bird flue vaccine developed in Czech / Vakcina proti ptaci chripce vyrobena v Cecach

bird google imageA new vaccine for a potential avian flu pandemic has been recently developed in a Czech town Bohumile. The US-owned production company is called Baxter International and their new “mirracle child” vaccine, Celvapan, has been more promising than any other such vaccines. Why? Because the researchers decided to use monkey cells instead of the traditional use of hen’s eggs.

The vaccine just finished the phase I/II safety trial involving 250 people and for those individuals who received vaccine twice it gave out a strong immune response. The monkey cells deliver the whole “unbroken” virus where the human body encounters the full version of the virus, hence the immune response is stronger. That is also a reason why Celvapan works against 4 different strains of the virus instead of the usual 1 strain.

In the recent Hong Kong outbreak the avian flue killed 241 of 383 cases, which gives it 63% fatality rate. The WHO’s main concern is that if the virus mutates it could be more contagious from human to human.

CZ: Nova vakcina proti nebezpecne ptaci chripce se objevila na obzoru jednoho maleho mestecka v Cechach – v Bohumili. Americka biotechnologicka firma Baxter zde pred 3mi lety otevrela produkcni facilitu pro jejich “kouzelne” serum zvane Celvapan. Celvapan je mnohem uspesnejsi nez jine podobne vakciny a to proto, ze pouziva opici bunky misto “tradicnich” slepicich vajec. Tyto opici bunky doruci do lidskeho tela nepozkozenou linii ptaciho viru a imunni reakce je tak mnohem silnejsi. Take funguje proti 4 ruznym formam ptaci chripky, kde jine, jiz existujici vakciny zabiraji pouze proti jednomu mutantu.

Nedavne vzplanuti teto nebezpecne nemoci v Hong Kongu zabilo 241 ze 383 pripadu, coz znamena, ze ma 63% umrtnost. WHO se boji, ze jestlize se virus bude nadale mutovat, mohl by byt vice nakazlivy z cloveka na cloveka.



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