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Czech company defeats Lyme disease / Ceska firma zkolila klistovou boreliozu

vaccination yahoo image The tick-borne diseases such as encephalitis and borreliosis (Lyme disease) have been recently on the rise in the Czech Republic. The lyme disease is caused by a bacteria called Borrelia and it causes a flu-like symptoms as well as the musculoskeletal, neurological and psychiatric manifestations in the latter stages. There used to be a Lyme vaccine called Lymerix, however, it was taken off the market in 2002 because of poor sales and a need for frequent boosters (I personally remember getting this vaccine when I was a child). A Czech company called Bioveta has been selling its Lyme disease vaccinations for pets and farm animals for some time now but it only just recently came up with a vaccine for humans. Once the final research verifications are over, the company will proceed with pre-clinical and clinical trials. If the vaccine “survives” these final testings, this Moravian company will be officially the first company in the world to produce such vaccination.

The question now is if the emerging vaccine for humans is really going to be any different from that of the farm animals, or are they just going to put a different sticker on the bottle? Well, if it helps to prevent the disease, who cares, right?

CZ: Klistovym nemocim jako je borelioza a encefalitida se v Cechach vede (a vzdy vedlo) velmi dobre. Lymska borelioza je zpusobena bakterii Borrelia a jeji pocatecni priznaky je horecka, pozdeji bolest svalu, unava a psychiatricke problemy. Vakcina proti teto nemoci v minulosti existovala, ale diky jeji vysoke cenne (nedostatecny profit) a caste re-aplikaci tato droga v roce 2002 zmizela z trhu. Dnes je tu ale nova nadeje, a to diky moravske spolecnosti Bioveta, ktera prisla na novou lymskou vakcinu. Bioveta prodava lymskou vakcinu pro hospodarska zvirata jiz po celem svete, ale ted ma pry takovou vakcinu i pro lidi. Jestlize tato droga projde vsechny kontroly a klinicke testovani bez problemu, Bioveta bude prvni firma na svete produkujici vakcinu proti teto nemoci. Otazka ovsem je, zdali je tato lidska vakcina skutecne odlisna od jiz existujici vakciny dobytci, anebo jen vymenili nalepku na lahvicce??!! No, kdyz to bude fungovat, tak proc ne?




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