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Which sport is currently rulling Czech? / Jaky sport v CR je ted nejvice v mode?

golf yahoo imageYou may not know it but during communism the sport of the “rich and famous” was tennis. Now, almost 20 years later the situation has changed; tennis is still kind of popular but it got definitely overpowered by a new sport giant – GOLF. Over half of the golf courses in the formal Eastern European block are located in the Czech Republic! The Czechs can currently pick from over 80 golf courses spread out all over the country. If you are a golf fan and would like to read up more on this “issue”, click here.

CZ: Za komunismu to byl tenis. Jaky sport ovlada Ceskou Repubiku dnes? Budete se divit (tedy alespon ja nad tim kroutim hlavou), ale je to GOLF. V roce 1991 mel tento stat poze 5 golfovych hrist; dnes jich je tam pres vice nez 80. Vice o tomto tematu si muzete precist zde.

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  • John June 22, 2008, 11:13 pm

    Hahaha, I know one of the execs at the organization that heads Czech golfing… I’ll be sure to congratulate him! Still growing I think… they need more courses.

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