Did you know that prices of some food items in the Czech Republic went up 20 – 30% since the beginning of the year? That’s outrageous! I thought we had it bad here in the United States with the ever-climbing gas prices. The magazine Radio Praha digs deeper to find the cause of this Czech groceries crises (click here)…
CZ: Vite, ze vetsina ceskych potravnin je od pocatku tohoto roku o 20 – 30% drazsi? Kolik ted vubec stoji Fidorka? 50 kourn, nebo i vic?? Ja tady v Americe placu nad cenami mistniho benzinu, zatimco v Cechach to maji mnohem horsi. Nad duvody teto potravinarske krize se pozastavuje magazin Radia Prahy (kliknete zde).
Source: http://www.radio.cz/en/article/103977
Fidorka stoji imho asi 9 korun.
Ahoj Eso,
tak to jsem se trosku prepiskla…I kdyz 9 korun bude za chvili 9 dolaru takze to pro nas (Cechy zijici v Americe) vyjde vlastne na stejno 😉
If Firdorka costs only 9 krowns then life is still good…