I am really starting to think that without Czechs people would be still living in caves. True, I may be a little biased since I am Czech myself, but still…Here is yet another proof: It turned out that the all-mighty Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi wrote yet another opera which had been missing for quite some time. Recently, however, the original sheet music has been miraculously discovered somewhere in Germany by Mr. Macek – a CZECH guy. How did he do it? And what is going to happen next?? Clic here.
CZ: Ja si opravdu zacinam myslet, ze bez Cechu by lide stale zili v jeskynich. Pravda, pravda, ja jsem v tomto smeru asi trosku zaujata, ale nemuzu si pomoci….Jeden z mnoha dukazu se opet objevil ve vcerejsich novinach: Vichni vime, ze znamy barokni skladatel Antonio Vivaldi napsal ve svem zivote mnoho oper. Malo lidi ale vi, ze take napsal “Argippo” – operu, ktera byla pohresovana po dobu 278-mi let az do dnes. A kdo tyto ztracene noty vypatral? Kdo jiny nez mily Cech, pan Macek? Jak se mu to povedlo? A co se s operou a panem Mackem stane nyni?Odpovedi si prectete zde. Source http://www.independent.co.uk/news/europe/vivaldis-longlost-opera-returns-to-prague-after-278-years-820860.html
Where would the world be without the Czechs?? / Kde by byl svet bez Cechu??
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