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Are you talking in spoken or written Czech??/ Mluvite hovorovou anebo psanou cestinou??

dictionary yahoo image It’s kind of embarrassing but the most common Czech words are :

  • voni ( the colloqial “oni” meaning “they”)
  • proste (colloquial “right”)
  • teda (“well”)
  • bejt (the colloquial “byt” meaning “to be”)

Do they not look familiar to you? That is because they are used in spoken Czech. So unless you have the Dictionary of Spoken Czech near by you are pretty much left guessing to what those words might mean. Profesor Cermak, the creator of one of the above mentioned dictionaries, recorded in his research sample speeches by over 500 people and discovered that the spoken Czech uses huge number demonstrative pronouns such as “that”, “there”, “here”, “that” as well as the pronoun “I”. Also particles such as “vzdyt”, “no”, “aby”, “ze jo” (“after all”, “well”, “right”..) are very common through which we express our +/- attitudes, expectations or doubts.

What are one of the most frequent Czech nouns?

  1. Dite (child)
  2. lide (people)
  3. prace (work)
  4. zena (woman)
  5. leto (summer)
  6. problem (problem)
  7. penize (money)

So, would the most frequent sentence would sound something like this: “People at work told me that my woman and my child have become a problem, so I am going to get rid off them in the summer and send them on a vacation – without money though.” (Lide me teda v praci rekli, ze ma zena s ditetem jsou problematicky, a tak se jich proste teda v lete zbavim a poslu na prazdniny…a to bez penez.”)

CZ: Je to trosku smutne, ale nejpopularnejsimi slovy Ceskeho jazyka jsou:

  • voni
  • proste
  • teda
  • bejt

Rikate, ze je neznate (zejmena ti, kteri cestinu studuji, a tedy ji znaji pouze z ucebnic)? To proto, ze je to mluvena Cestina. To znamena, ze jestlize nemate po ruce slovnik mluvene cestiny, tak se muzete o kontextu pouze dohadovat. Vyse uvedeny slovnik byl nedavno vytvoren profesorem Cermakem, ktery se svym tymem “nenapadne” nahral mluvu kolem 500-ti lidi (temto lidem namluvil, ze delaji “anketu”, a ze tedy potrebuji jejich nazor). Timto zpusobem tak zjistil, ze Cesi pouzivaji obrovske mnozstvi ukazovacich zajmen jako “to”, “tam”, “tady” , a take osobni zajmeno “ja”. Take castice jako “vzdyt”, “no”, “aby”, “ze jo” se to ceskymi pusami jenom hemzi a to proto, ze tim vyjadrujeme nase postoje, ocekavani a obavy.

A co jsou nejcastejsi podstatna jmena?

  1. dite
  2. lide
  3. prace
  4. zena
  5. leto
  6. problem
  7. penize

Jak by asi znela ta nejpopularnesi ceska veta? Co takhle: “Lide me v praci rekli, ze ma zena s ditetem jsou problematicky, a tak se jich proste teda v lete zbavim a poslu je nekam na prazdniny – a to bez penez.”



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2 comments… add one
  • MichaelM April 4, 2008, 5:50 pm

    Definitely going to forward this to my Czech instructor!

  • Tanja April 5, 2008, 3:02 am

    Yes! So she can teach you the REAL “street talk”!

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