Slovakia elected their Miss Universe 2008. Her name is Sandra Manakova, she is 20 years old and comes from the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava. Not only did she won so far the most expensive diamond crown any Slovak beauty queen ever won (1.3 million Czech Crowns, designed by Petra Nemcova), but she is also the owner of a nice off-road vehicle AND the flying ticket to Vietnam. Why Vietnam, you may ask.
That is where she is going to retire after all of this humbug is over, to meditate and hopefully reach nirvana some day….No, I am just kidding. The truth is that Vietnam is hosting the Miss Universe of 2008 and she will be one of the contestants.I am just hoping that the Slovaks (and the Czechs) will clean up their “beauty queen” mess in the near future. Not only do they have 2 (!!) beauty queen competitions every year but what is up with calling it “the Slovakian Miss Universe”??? It should be one or the other, right? Or am I going crazy here?CZ: Slovensko zvolilo Miss Univer 2008! Novou slovenskou kralovnou krasy se stala 20-ti leta Sandra Manakova z Bratislavy. Nejen ze ziskala diamantovou korunku v cene 1.7 milion Sk (1.3 milion Kc) a sportaka, ale take obdrzela letenku do Vietnamu, kde se pry bude po zbytek sveho zivota venovat meditovani. Ne,ne, nebojte se, jeji krasa neprijde nazmar: pojede do Vietnamu, aby se tam utkala o titul celosvetove Miss Universe 2008. Ja jen doufam, ze si v tom Cesi a Slovaci brzy udelaji poradek: nejen ze obe zeme maji kazdy rok 2(!!) souteze krasy, ale take ten nazev “Slovenska Miss Universe” opravdu nedava smysl. Tak bud je to Miss Slovenska anebo Miss Universe, ne? To jsou mi veci… Source:
And the beauty queen of Slovakia is…/ A Miss Slovenska se stala…
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