Today passed away yet another very famous Czech actor, Radovan Lukavsky. At the age of 88 Radovan died of serious heart complications. He was born in 1919 in Prague. His mother has led him to Christianity since Radovan’s early childhood, which led him to desire to become a pastor. His theology studies, however, were abruptly stopped when the Nazi occupation began. Radovan’s theological mind then had to be satisfied by the permitted studies of philosophy and acting instead. As a fresh graduate Radovan’s first acting job was at the Vinohrady Theatre.
Soon after that he got offered a job at the National Theatre where he ended up working for over 50 years! As far as movies are concerned, mr. Lukavsky is mostly known from F.L. Vek, Pouta (bindings) or Zla Krev (bad blood). For his life works Radovan also received the prestigious Thaile award – from the former president Vaclav Havel himself.
CZ: 88-mi lety Radovan Lukavsky, jeden z nejznamejsich ceskych hercu, dnes zemrel a to diky vaznym srdecnim komplikacim. Radovan se narodil v roce 1919 v Praze. Jiz od mladi ho jeho maminka vedla ke krestanstvi, a proto se tedy chtel stat knezem. Nemecka okupace mu ale nedovolila dokoncit universitni studia teologie, a tudiz si tedy musel “vystacit” s dovolenymi obory jako byla filozofie a herectvi. Poprve pan Lukavsky vystoupil v Divadle na Vinohradech, pozdeji se ale nadobro usadil v Narodnim divadle, kde pusobil po dobu vice nez 50-ti let. Z televize ho zname predevsim ze serialu F.L. Vek, Pouta nebo Zla krev. Za sve zivotni dilo od prezidenta Vaclava Havla obdrzel v roce 1995 cenu Thalie.
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