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Are you looking for your ancestors? / Hledate sve predky?

Genealogy tree. krajane.cz image

Do you wonder where your family came from? Are you looking for your ancestors who long time ago disappeared somewhere abroad? If that is your case and you are a beginner regarding the genealogy issues you can turn to the Czech Genealogy Institute (Ceska genealogicka a heradlicka spolecnost; www.genealogie.cz ) for help. You can also become a member. As a member you will be receiving a free Genealogy newsletter (4x/year), you can join various classes to teach you how to start your search (next class begins Sept.20th , in Prague Stodulky) and have access to various exhibitions. Martin Slaboch, an institute member, says:”If you get into genealogy, it will become your lifetime hobby “. When asked how should people start looking for their ancestors, Martin advises first to:

  • talk to the oldest living relatives of yours and ask them where their grandparents came from
  • search for old photos at home and look at the their back side to see if there is any other written info
  • search for marriage/death certificates

Then you are ready to search in the “real” archives!

He also claims that “if the missing ancestor lived before 1650 and he/she does not belong to any nobelman’s bloodline then you probably won’t be successful in your research”…..also, ” if you call in saying that you are looking for some Antonia Vyskocil born in Ceske Budejovice sometimes around 1880 and then she left for the US, that would not be enough information for us to find anything”. So make sure that you searched those drawers, fellows!

CZ: Pokud hledate sve prekdy, Ceska genealogicka a heraldicka spolecnost vam muze pomoci (www.genealogie.cz)! Za pouhych 300 Kc rocne se take muzete stat jejim clenem a zdarma tak vyuzivat jejich sluzeb jako jsou ruzne genealogicke kurzy pro zacatecniky (jeden z nich zacina 21.zari v Praze, Stodulkach), vystavy, anebo genealogicky casopis vydany 4x do roka. Martin Slaboch, jeden ze clenu institutu v clanku dava take cenne rady, jak s vyzkumem zacit:

  • pohovorte si s vasimi nejstarsimi pribuznymi a zeptejte se jich odkud byli jejich prarodice
  • snazte se vyhledat stare fotografie, ktere muzou byt vzadu popsane
  • snazte se najit jakekoliv umrtni/oddaci listy

At ted se vydejte do archivu!

Martin Slaby se take “krajanum.net” behem jejich rozhovoru mimo jine take sdelil, ze pokud byli hledani predci narozeni pred Tricetiletou valkou (1650-1680) a nebyli slechtickeho puvodu, tak se s vyzkumem asi daleko nikdo nedostane 🙁

Source: http://krajane.radio.cz/cs/article_detail/1036 (interview with Martin Slaboch)

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