The world famous Czech model Martina Nemcova from Karvina, has her own TV show now. It’s called “A model life”, uncovering the backstage of the world of professional modeling and NY fashion, and it will be showing for about 8 weeks on the TLC channel. Among the modeling contestants is this year also a model from Slovakia (!!). The show premiered last night from Nemcova’s own apartment in New York. Every model’s homework was to bring her favorite meal representing her own country of origin. And no, it wasn’t all just salads without dressing;the Slovakian girl,for example,brought Palacinky (Crepes, Czech style) – good for her!! Nemcova is also known for her tragic experience with the Tsunami disaster hitting Thailand in 2004. She was vacationing there with her boyfriend and a photographer of that time, Simon Atlee,when the waves struck the coast. Simon was swept away but she managed to survive by clinging to a trunk of a tree for more than 8 hours. Later she wrote a book about this unbelievable experience called “Love Always, Petra
“. She also built a fund of Happy Hearts which raised $2 million to be used for children struck with Tsunami. By the way, does anyone have an explanation for why are Czech women so beautiful??
CZ: Svetoznama ceska modelka z Karvine Petra Nemcova ma ted svou vlastni show na televiznim programu TLC. Tato 8-mi tydenni reality show se jmenuje Zivot modelky (A model life) a odhaluje divakum zakulisi sveta mody a profesionalnich modelek. Mezi soutezicimi modelkami se tento rok umistila take jedna slovenka (tak ji drzime palce). Prvni dil (odvysilany vcera vecer) se odehraval v New Yorkskem apartmanu samotne Petry Nemcove, kde se vsechny soutezici modelky sesly se svymi oblibenymi jidly representujicimi jejich zemi. Slovenska modelka se ukazala s palacinkami (myslite, ze se na ty hody vsechny cely vecer jenom koukaly, nebo ze taky neco okostovaly???). Nemcova je take znama predevsim z nedavne zkusenosti s tsunami (v roce 2004 v Thaisku), pri niz prisel o zivot jeji tehdejsi pritel a fotograf Simon Atlee. Ona sama prezila pouze diky tomu, ze se pri jedne z vln zachytila o mistni kmen stromu a tam visela prese 8 hodin! Vice si o jeji zkusenosti muzete precist v jeji knize nazvane Love Always, Petra. Tsunami udalost ji take imponovala, aby zalozila nadaci “Stastnych srdci” (Happy hearts) a take ji naplnila s $2 miliony dolaru. Penize byly pouzity na pomoc detem postizenym prave timto nestestim. Mimochodem, ma nekdo vysvetleni na to, jakto ze jsou nase ceske holky tak pekne??
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Ja jezdim domu jen jednou rocne a co se deje s cekymi celebritami moc nesleduji, ale kdyz jsem byla napodzim v Cechach, tak jsem o Martine slysela. To musi byt fakt sila neco takoveho zazit. (Tsunami)
Mimochodem ja si myslim, ze ceske zeny jsou krasne, protoze se udrzuji. ;-))
Skoro kazdy den se maluji a hezky se oblekaji.
Ale taky proto, ze Ceska zeme je uprostred Evropy a tam se vsechny cesty krizi a tak se po staleti krizili i obyvatele evropy, cili vznikl takovy dobry pohledny mix.
I go home only once a year and I don’t really pay attention to what is going on with the czech celebrities but when I was there last fall I’ve heard about her. It’s gotta be such a shocking experience. (Tsunami)
BTW I think that czech women are beautiful because they just take care of themselves. ;-))
Almost always wear make up and dress up!
And also because the Czech Land is in the middle of Europe where all the roads have always crossed and the people living there become quite a nice mix over the centuries. 😀
I hope I delivered it right.
Have a nice day!
Mejte se!