Summer in Czech is at its full speed and even though the weather forecast is predicting rain, Prague is alive with its new cultural event, the Bohemia Jazz Fest. The musicians hit it off today on the Old Town Square, and on Thursday the whole performing squad will move to Pilsen, then Prachatice and finishes off in Ceske Budejovice. The organizer of this festival is a famous jazz guitar player, Czech American Rudy Linka. Rudy left Czechoslovakia in 1980, starting his jazz career first in Sweden and five years later in the USA where he came out with more than ten jazz albums, including his last one called ” Beyond the New York City Limits
Jazz Fest is free of charge but that doesn’t mean that the performers are of a second rate. Some of the participants are: Nils Berg Quinted (Sweden), Kenny Garrett, Dave Holland and Al Foster (USA), Subtone (Germany) Antonie Herve (France), Klemens Salesny Quartet (Austria) and a Cuban band called the Leonel O Zuniga & Havana Street band (we need someone from Zimbabwe and New Zealand and the whole world will be part of this festival…). More on the Bohemian Jazz Fest can be found at
CZ: Leto je v Cechach v plnem proudu a i kdyz jim tam ted dosti prsi, Praha oziva ruznymi kulturnimi udalostmi, jako je Jazzovy festival, ktery dnes vecer zacal na Staromestskem namesti. Organizatorem je znamy Cechoamerican Rudy Linka, ktery se proslavil jako vyborny jazzovy kytarista a to nejen v Americe. Rudy odesel z Cech v roce 1980 a to nejdrive do Svedska, a po peti letech se rozhodl “zakotvit” v USA, kde ma na konte jiz desitku alb, z nichz to nejnovejsi se nazyva Beyond the New York City Limits. No, co na to rict, nez “co Cech, to muzikant”??!!
Jazzovy Festival na Staromaku je zdarma, coz ale neznamena, ze ucastnici nejsou svetove hvezdy jako je Nils Berg Quinted (Svedsko), Kenny Garrett, Dave Holland a Al Foster (USA), Subtone (Nemecko) Antonie Herve (Francie), Klemens Salesny Quartet (Rakousko) a kubanska kapela Leonel O Zuniga & Havana Street band. (Jeste nam tam chybi nekdo ze Zimbabwe a Noveho Zelandu a bude to snad kazda zeme na svete… ). Cela akce se ve ctvrtek presune do Plzne, Prachatic a Ceskych Budejovic. Vice o tomto jazzovem festivalu najdete na .
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