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Is Singer Neckar a traitor??!! / Je zpevak Neckar zradce??!!

neckar-before.jpg neckar-after.jpg The Czech newspaper “Lidove noviny” released on Monday a disturbing information about a singing legend Vaclav Neckar. The information claims that in 1978 Neckar started working for the communist secret police (called StB). Just to paint you a quick picture about this StB, anyone in those times could be a part of the StB, so you never knew for sure if one of your friends was “with them”. Anytime and anywhere you were you couldn’t stop wondering if you had said anything “inappropriate” out loud and if any one of “them” heard it; this low level anxiety always traveled with you. Once a person did agree to step over to the Dark Side and became part of this secret police network, he immediately received great privileges such as being able to travel behind the Iron Curtain, sending his kids to a university, getting a fine job……So anyway, what was Neckar’s cover name? The Germ (which is also a current name of his band)! His job was to spy on his manager, mr. Bunzel at first. Yet when Bunzel joined the secret police as well, Neckar started collecting information on other musicians, including his co-worker as well as his former wife, Marta Kubisova. When asked, Kubisova did not believe this shocking news and said that “the information source didn’t sound trustworthy enough”. According to Lidove noviny Neckar is unwilling to discuss this surprising news since it could worsen his state of health (he had a brain accident in 2002). Nice little excuse…..!!! Neckar’s new “situation” also threatens his singing career, especially his upcoming concert in Trutnov where he may not be allowed to perform. What do you think, do you believe that Neckar is a traitor??

Here is an interesting YouTube video that I found.

Neckar filmed this clip in 1968, right after a young student Jan Palach set himself on fire as a form of a protest against the Soviet-led occupation (more on Jan Palach go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palach) . The person that posted this video makes an interesting comment – made three months before Neckar was accused of collaborating with the communists : ” Once the video clip came out the government immediately took it off the air but interestingly, Neckar didn’t get persecuted for it at all.” (Benetomm on YouTube):


Lidove noviny dnes uverejnili informaci o nekdejsi zpevacke legende Vaclavu Neckarovi, ze byl od roku 1978 po dobu 9-ti let zamestnan komunistickou Statni bezpecnosti (StB). A jeho krici jmeno??? BACIL (Coz je take nynejsi jmeno jeho kapely)!! Puvodne pry mel donaset informace na sveho manazera Bunzela, ale kdyz se i Bunzel pridal do party, Neckar donasel na dalsi hudebniky, jako na jeho spolupracovnici a take byvalou manzelku Martu Kubisovou. Samotna Kubisova tomu ale neveri, “zdroj informaci ji prijde pochybny”. Podle Lidovych novin pry Neckar odmita o spolupraci s StB mluvit, protoze to pry zhorsuje jeho zdravotni stav (Neckar mel v roce 2002 jakousi mozkovou prihodu). Hezka vymluva…..!! Tato nova informace take ohozuje Neckarovu nynejsi karieru, zejmena nadchazejici hudebni konzert v Trutnove, kde ma Neckar vystupovat. Co si o tom myslite vy? Je Neckar Estebak nebo ne???

Nasla jsem zajimave YouTube video (viz. nahore), ktere Neckar natocil na pamatku upaleni Jana Palacha. Osoba, ktera dala toto video na YouTube udelala zajimavy koment (a to bylo jiz pred tremi mesici, tzn. ze nikdo NEckare jeste z niceho neobvinil): “Václav Necká? nazpíval a nato?il tento klip po upálení Jana Palacha. Jak jinak, šel okamžit? do tresoru. pozoruhodné je, že Václav Necká? ne” (Benetomm na YouTube).


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