President Bush spent all together 21 hours in Prague. During his visit not only did he and his wife Laura have time to check out the Royal Gardens at the Prague Castle and feast on “Husa s knedlikem a zelim” ( Goose with dumplings and sourkraut), – which he loved by the way, but they also got the chance to listen to the pro-American, pro-radar song which was composed by known country singer Jan Vycital and recorded by a former singer, now the current minister of Defense, Vlasta Parkanova. According to the polls 2/3 of Czechs think the whole idea to be unprofessional as well as embarrassing toward the American president; but as Parkanova herself says:” The fact that someone likes my idea and someone doesn’t, fits the whole idea that we live in a free country”. Meant as a parody on an old communistic comerade song, this song celebrates the”flag of stars and stripes” as well as the possible placement of the radar anti-missile facility in the Czech Republic. Parkanova also added that “she would like for the Czechs not to forget what an important role USA had in the history of the Czech Republic….without America we may not even be a free country right now.”
Jan Vycital also added his opinion on the situation: “Never in my life I made secrets about my affinity toward the USA. That is why I really don’t understand this anti-American hysteria, which is happening right now just because this attitude is “in” and fashionable in the world today”. (I totally agree with both of them….)
During Bush’s visit Prague hosted some not-so-big demonstrations as well. One could attend both kinds: the anti-Bush crowds or the pro-Bush ones. As it is written in The Prague Post article, most anti-Bush demonstrators belonged to the Communist party or people who are scared the radar defense facility will create another Cold War with Russia in the future. Wenceslav Square was also hosting a crowd of various artists and politicians such as the songwriter Pepa Nos, actor Ondrej Vetchy, senators Stetina, Mejstrik and others. They were there to thank America for everything that it has done for Czech safety as well as the world’s safety. The facilitator of the whole gathering claimed:”The United States are very important for our European defense. We are here to express a support toward our best ally.” He also added that “USA saved the Czech Republic as well as other European countries – not once but many times – from various problems in the past”. To see more pictures from this action go to
During one of his speeches Bush also promised that he himself will make sure to speed up the whole visa situation to where the Czechs will no longer need visas to travel to the United States.
PS: Check out who commented on the post…Pepa Nos HIMSELF!!! 🙂
Bush stravil v Praze celych 21 hodin. Behem jeho navstevy si nejen stacil s manzelkou Laurou prohlednout Kralovske zahrady na Prazskem hrade, pochutnat si na huse s knedlikem a zelim (moc mu to pry chutnalo), ale take si poslechnout pro-americkou, pro-radarovou pisnicku, ktera byla slozena znamym countryovym zpevakem Janem Vycitalem a zaspivana ministriny obrany Vlastou Parkanovou. 2/3 Cechu si mysli, ze jeji konani bylo dosti nevhodne, ale jak Parkanova sama podava:”… to ve svobodné zemi k tomu pat?í, že se n?komu n?co líbí a n?komu n?co nelíbí”. Jako parodie na jednu ze starych budovatelskych pisnich o Gagarinovi, pisen vtipne oslavuje “prapor hvezd a pruhu” a take pripadne umisteni americkeho radaru protiraketove obrany v Cechach. Parkanova take podotkla, že “by byla nerada, aby ?eši zapomn?li, jak d?ležitou roli hrály Spojené státy v ceske d?jinné minulosti….Nebýt Ameriky, tak bychom možná ani dnes nebyli svobodní”. Jan Vycital take dodal svuj nazor a to:”Nikdy v život? jsem se netajil tím, že mám silnou náklonnost k Ameri?an?m. Proto nechápu protiamerickou hysterii, která se tady vzepjala jen proto, že je to ve sv?t? prost? “in ” a že se to nosí”.(S obema naprosto souhlasim…)
Pri prilezitosti Bushovi navstevy v Praze se take konalo par nevelkych demonstraci, jak pro-Bushe tak proti-Bushovi. Jak konstatuje The Prague Post, vetsina “proti-bushovcu” byli komuniste a lide, kteri se boji, ze proti-radarova zakladna by zacala druhou “Studenou Valku” s Ruskem. Na Vaclavskem Namesti se ale take sesli umelci a politici (Pepa Nos, Ondrej Vetchy, senator Stetina a Mejstrik a dalsi), aby tu podekovali za vse, co USA ucinilo pro ceskou a svetovou bezpecnost. Organizator cele teto akce podotkl: “Spojené státy jsou velice d?ležité pro naši i evropskou obranu.Chceme vyjád?it postoj k našemu nejv?tšímu spojenci”. Take dodal, že “USA zachránily nejednou ?eskou republiku i další evropské státy od mnoha problém?”. Vice fotek muzete najit na Pepove webove strance na
Behem jeho navstevy Bush take ?ekl, že se bude osobne zasazovat o zrušení vízové povinnosti pro ?echy cestující do USA.
PS: podivejte se, kdo mi zanechal prvni koment…samotny PEPA NOS!!! 🙂
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Josef Pepa Nos