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Not Every beach Has the Same Waves / Neni More Jako More

 When I came to the United States (only 18 years old), my major concern was how to find new friends. At that time I didn’t even consider it a “concern” because I assumed that the task should be accomplished pretty easily. I will just go down to the beach and meet someone that way. That’s the way it works in Mediterranean Italy, right? One always ends up chasing some Italians away who – after only five minutes of conversation – with their words “I lov ju bellissima” are promising you marriage. That’s why the next day after the arrival I let myself get dropped off at the local beach. After an hour of reading I started feeling a little restless. That is why I decided to put my book down and actually looked around ( I normally don’t like to do that since I am sending signals that I am bored and in need of a company, which I am usually not interested in). The beach was just swarming with young people – so that wasn’t the problem. So I put my sandals on and thought to myself (quite upset already) that if I start walking then I must meet someone that way (that was my plan C – my final plan). As I was walking I even forced myself to smile at the people and — NOTHING HAPPENED!!! “Now I know why this is happening”, I thought to myself “because it’s Wednesday! If it was the weekend than I would meet someone in a sec!”

That is why I came back on that Saturday, then Sunday, Monday and Thursday again…NOTHING!!! I just couldn’t understand why this was happening. I wasn’t ugly or fat, so what was the problem??? So finally after about a week of trying, this chubby guy finally started talking to me, telling me that he is studying acting and that he would take me out to see a play. So I agreed to it since I didn’t have any other plans anyway. The poor guy was so nervous the whole time we were out that he kept eating cheesecakes (we kept stopping at some random coffee shops). So that was my first date in the
United States… Well, later that summer my school started (thank God) and I did end up finding a lot of new great friends.

Looking back at the story and analyzing the whole situation I came to a conclusion that beaches in Italy are quite unlike the beaches here and that the Mediterranean guys are much friendlier (i.e. can’t get rid of them) than the American guys. Today, I am so glad for this! I can go read on the beach without being bothered by anyone; but as a single teenager I couldn’t really appreciate it…

Jakmile jsem prisla do Spojenych Statu (v utlem veku 18ti let), moje hlavni starost byla, jak si najit nove kamarady. No, vlastne to ani starost nebyla, protoze jsem si rikala, ze to bude jednoduche. Proste si pujdu placnout k vode, a nekdo se ke mne prisvitori (je to vubec cesky vyraz??? Pardon, jestli jsem vytvorila neco noveho…). Alespon to takhle funguje ve stredomorske Italii ,ne?? Vzdycky se na tebe preci nejaky ten Ital nalepi a se svymi slovy “I lov ju, belissima” ti za pet minut ti slibuje manzelstvi. Proto jsem se hned prvni den nechala vysadit na jedne z mistnich plazi, rozlozila jsem si rucnik a zacala si cist.
Po hodine cteni mi to uz zacalo pripadat trosku divne; tak jsem se rozhodla knihu odlozit a zacla jsem se kolem sebe rozhlizet (normalne to rada nedelam, protoze takhle vysilam signaly, ze se nudim, a ze chci spolecnost – coz vetsinou nechci). Plaz se mladymi lidmi jen rojila — v tom problem nebyl. Tak jsem si nandala sandale a rekla jsem si, uz dosti namichla, ze se projdu (to byl muj plan C, tedy plan posledni). Zacala jsem se tam krizem krazem prochazet, i jsem se dokonce prinutila se na lidi usmat!!! A NIC!!!!! “To musi byt tim, ze je je streda; kdyby to byla sobota, tak bych se urcite s nekym seznamila!”
Proto jsem na plaz naklusala opet v sobotu, a v nedeli, a pak jeste v utery a ve ctvrtek a opet…NIC!! Zkratka mi to neslo do hlavy! Sereda nejsem, tlusta velryba taky ne, tak co je za problem??? Myslim ze po tydnu, se na me konecne nejaky tloustik nalepil, ze pry studuje herectvi, a ze me vezme do divadla. Tak jsem svolila (zadny jiny program jsem nemela) a on byl chudak cely vecer tak nervozni, ze sezral 3 kusy dortu ( cheesecakeku)!! Porad jsme se stavovali nekde v cukrarne….Tak to bylo me prvni “rande” v Americe…. Diky bohu ze mi brzy zacla skola a tam jsem si nove, opravdove pratele brzy nasla.

Dnes se na tuto prihodu divam zpetne a po dlouhe analyze jsem prisla k zaveru, ze neni “more” jako “more”, a ze Stredomorska mladez (chlapci) je ke slecnam MNOHEM vice pratelstejsi nez jsou Americane. Ted jsem za to velmi vdecna, protoze jsem rada, ze me na plazi nikdo neotravuje. Ale jako svobodna holcina hledajici nove pratele jsem to moc ocenit nedokazala….

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