A couple of people have asked me to write a post on positive aspects of Czech personality. One Czech lady, for example, was very upset when her Irish husband was searching on the web about the good attributes of the Irish, yet when he did the same thing for the Czechs nothing came up. Well, it is time to change the Google prospective on us!
Although we do have many negative attributes, they are well balanced by the positive ones. Well, most of the time….
1. We don’t wear pink glasses. We don’t walk on clouds. We are REALISTS (and,well, the negative comments sometimes come with it). Have you seen any Czech person buying a lottery ticket? That’s because we honor the fact that 99.9999999% of the time that person does not win. It is a waist of money.
2. We are honest (and yes, the negative comments sometimes come with it). If we get asked an opinion, we just say it. An exception would be woman’s hair. If we get asked about what we think of someone’s hair, and even though it looks horrible, we will most likely lie. We are not that evil.
3. We are strict with our children. That is how we were raised and that is what we like. We hate brats.
4. We are street smart. We were raised in rough times, which taught us to be resourceful and think twice about stuff.
5. We are good cooks. Our moms and grandmas had to cook everything from scratch, we had to help them as kids and that is why we know how to move smoothly in the kitchen.
6. We are frugal. Almost to the point of being cheap. If there is a deal in town we will be the first ones in line to get it.
7. We are athletic. The Czechs love to spend their energy in nature. Whether it is by swimming in a local pond, or skiing or hiking, we love to sweat in the presence of nature. That is why we have so many great athletes! Practice makes perfect.
8. We are hard workers. We like to get the job done quick and right. Forget the 6 office assistants in one office. How about you fire the five and keep the most capable one (possibly with a Czech heritage).
9. We make good best friends. You need a best friend? Search through the Czech community.People may give you the cold shoulder at first but once they warm up and get to know you more, they will be there if you need help. Just don’t ask them if they like your hair because they may just tell you the truth!
10. We have golden hands. We can fix just about anything. Don’t believe me? There is even a Czech saying about it: “Cesi maji zlate rucicky”.
CZ: Je na case, abychom Google dali nejake pozitivni informace o ceske nature. Ja jsem prisla s 10ti body, ale jestli vas napaden neco jineho, dejte vedet! Bodu muzemem mit treba milion!
1. Jsme realiste
2. Jsme pravdomluvni
3. Jsme prisni na nase deti
4. Jsme chytri (v poulicnim stylu π
5. Jsme vyborni kuchari
6. Jsme setrni/skromni
7. Mame sportovniho ducha
8. Jsme drici
9. Jsme dobrymi nejlepsimi kamarady
10. Mame zlate rucicky
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#11 they make great partners (in my fortunate experience) π
Actually, Czechs do buy lottery tickets, they call it Sportka…don’t you recall watching the small balls with numbers fly in the bowl and then jump into the little tube as the ones that are winning? We loved to watch it as kids. My mom still buys a ticket once in a while and occasionally wins the money back or a little bit extra π Just for fun. But yes, otherwise Czechs are realists but still dream π