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Summer chicken (not ala Tanja) / Letni kure

Summer without peaches in no summer to me. So why not include them in the main course? The following recipe was influenced by my friend’s mom who used to make a similar dish for us. It is one of my favorites that I came up with some years ago  but never gotten sick of it. I hope you like it as much my family does!

CZ: Leto bez broskvi si vubec neumim predstavit. Proto jsem je zaradila i do jednoho z mych kurecich receptu. Uz tento pokrm varim nejaky ten patek, ale jeste se nikomu z nasi rodiny neomrzelo :).


  • chicken breast (use meat tenderizer to make them very thin)
  • 1 can of halved peaches in heavy syrup
  • soy sauce
  • sliced cheese (I use Swiss)
  • pepper, salt
  • basil for garnish


  1. Tenderize the meat into very thin slices
  2. Put salt and pepper all over the chicken breast
  3. Start roasting them on an oiled pan
  4. When they are done, top each chicken breast with 1-2 peach halves
  5. Pour the rest of the syrup from the can into the pan
  6. Add about 1 Tbs of soy sauce in and simmer uncovered until some of the liquid evaporates and sauce becomes richer
  7. Put 1 t0 2 slices of cheese on top of the chicken breast/peach
  8. Cover until the cheese melts a little bit
  9. Garnish with basil
  10. Serve sauce in a separate little bowl (dip each meat bite into the sauce as you are eating)
  11. Serve with garlic fries (from Trader Joes!)
  12. Mnam!

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

6 comments… add one
  • Vonya Planchon July 9, 2012, 9:01 pm

    That looks amazing, Tanja! I must try it:-) Would any other kind of cheese work? Gouda or provolone? Do your girls like it?

  • Tanja July 9, 2012, 9:21 pm

    Yes, my kids love it and yes you can use any kind of cheese you have on hand. Gouda sounds wonderful! And it’s gluten-free 🙂

  • Eva Z July 10, 2012, 2:23 pm

    I used to order this in Czech restaurants as my favorite dish 🙂 Thanks for bringing it back to me, I will make it at home! 🙂

  • Tanja July 10, 2012, 11:04 pm

    fakt???? No ale ne uuuplne to samy, protoze ja jsem si s tim receptem fakt dost vyhrala!

  • Lada July 13, 2012, 9:58 am

    Eva ma pravdu, myslim ze v mnoha hospodach se prodavalo temer to same, dneska uz to tak snadno k dostani ale neni, bylo to mnohokrat kritizovane ruznyma kucharema jako relikt komunismu, kdy se nandala broskev na maso, na to hodil syr a pokladalo se to za svetovou kuchyn; vadilo jim, ze to neni lokalni tradicni ceska kuchyne, ale takova ta svepomocna bolsevicka. A tak misto toho je k dostani vsude kungpao v zizkovsky verzi:-) Nejsem si jistej, jestli je to znamka pokroku:-)) Pamatuju si, ze moje babi si kureci s broskvi davala casto, mela to rada.

  • Tanja July 14, 2012, 2:14 pm

    tak zmenila jsem titul – abych si neprisvojovala neco co neni moje 😉

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