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Slavonice is reaching for the stars! / Slavonice oslnuji talentem!

Slavonice google imageSlavonice is a quaint little town of 2,500 inhabitants, just a few miles away from the Austrian border. Normally quite the quiet place, the town is now buzzing with excitement since the Slavonice choir was chosen to compete at the international music festival in Canada.

More of this exciting news (and how you can help) can be found here (click here).

CZ: Slavonice je malinke mestecko lezici na hranicich Moravy a Rakouska, ktere obyva kolem 2500 obyvatel. Normalne tu panuje pokoj a klid, ale v posledni dobe tu panuje naprosta vzrusuici atmosfera. Slavovnicky detsky sbor byl totiz vybran, ze bude reprezentovat Ceskou Republiku na Mezinarodnim hudebnim festivalu v Kanade.

Vice si o teto vzrusujici zprave prectete v blogu Zuzany Kulhankove (kliknete zde).

Also, here is a neat YouTube video which introduces the kids choir as well as the town of Slavonice:

Here is the donation info:

Contributions from EU countries: Account Name: CANADA, Bankleitzahl 20263, Konto Nr. 0012-052395, IBAN: AT722026300012052395, BIC: SPWTAT21XXX, at Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 AG, Sparkassenplatz 11, 3843 Dobersberg, Austria.
In the Czech Republic, to the account of Základní umělecká škola Dačice 6100003820/7940, please don’t forget to include the variable code for the Viva la bella choir: 10001. Only deposits in Czech Crowns coming from the Czech Republic are free of charge on this account; otherwise, hefty fees are charged.
In Canada and the USA, cheques payable to Zuzana Kulhankova in trust for Viva la Bella mailed to Royal Bank of Canada, 101-7035 Barnet Street, Powell River BC V8A 1Z9, please quote account 04480-5053962, or by internet transfer.

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

5 comments… add one
  • Karen April 27, 2010, 8:39 pm


  • Tanja April 28, 2010, 11:43 am

    Isn’t it? Especially their last peace – Gloria – definitely my favorite 🙂

  • Milena April 28, 2010, 3:42 pm

    What a tremendous accomplishment! Congratulations to all the children! Did they raise the rest of the money yet? If not, where do we send a donation?

  • Tanja April 28, 2010, 5:09 pm

    that is a great question! If you email Zuzana Koudova via her blog (link is embedded in the post above) I am sure she will tell you.
    I also shot her an email asking her the same question so I will let you know if she emails me back.

  • Tanja April 28, 2010, 10:31 pm

    Hi Milena here is the donation information:

    Contributions from EU countries: Account Name: CANADA, Bankleitzahl 20263, Konto Nr. 0012-052395, IBAN: AT722026300012052395, BIC: SPWTAT21XXX, at Waldviertler Sparkasse von 1842 AG, Sparkassenplatz 11, 3843 Dobersberg, Austria.
    In the Czech Republic, to the account of Základní umělecká škola Dačice 6100003820/7940, please don’t forget to include the variable code for the Viva la bella choir: 10001. Only deposits in Czech Crowns coming from the Czech Republic are free of charge on this account; otherwise, hefty fees are charged.
    In Canada and the USA, cheques payable to Zuzana Kulhankova in trust for Viva la Bella mailed to Royal Bank of Canada, 101-7035 Barnet Street, Powell River BC V8A 1Z9, please quote account 04480-5053962, or by internet transfer.

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