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Children’s Tylenol study done in the Czech Republic / Cesi vedci zkoumali detsky Tylenol

baby-vaccination google imageMy friend  came across this article in a local newspaper. It releases medical study results about children’s Tylenol done in the Czech Republic. It’s pretty interesting – especially if you have small kids:

(PS: click on the article to enlarge the size of the letters)
CZ: Tento clanek nasla moje kamaradka v mistnich novinach. Lekarska studie o detskem Tylenolu byla provedena v Ceske Republice a vysledky ukazuji, ze tato droga muze snizit efekty ockovani, jestlize ho date svym detem bud hned pred nebo hned po one injekci.

(PS: kliknete na clanek, aby bylo pismo citelene)


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1 comment… add one
  • Tanja November 23, 2009, 12:27 pm

    I am totally the guilty one – giving my child Tylenol after she gets her shots :((

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