It’s been couple of weeks now since I have received the presidential invitation and I still can’t believe it! You see, I would love to call the embassy and ask to whom should I be indebted for life for putting me on the special-people list, but I am afraid to do that. What if – in the midst of this investigation – that particular person on the phone finds out that I wasn’t supposed to be invited at all?? “Oh, I am so sorry! We meant to invite ‘mr. Tahuana’ – the vice president of Nambia, not you (Tatjana)! Can you just disregard the invitation?”. I don’ think so! Why? Because we bought the flying tickets. We booked the hotel. I bought a new dress. And new shoes. We have a babysitter and a cat sitter taken care of. I bragged to just about anyone I know about this, including our cat. Now WE HAVE TO GO!!!!
Can you imagine if my husband and I arrived to the reception and the embassy bodyguard would not let us in? “Sorry, you are not on the list.”. First, I would probably make a scene there about how much I spent on my new shoes and then they would (quietly??) walk us out. Oh, well, at least my husband and I will get to see Washington DC :0))
PS: My husband just told me that my new dress looksΒ grandma-ish. Have to go back toΒ and exchange it. Just great!!!!
CZ: I kdyz uplynulo jiz par dnu od te doby, co jsem dostala pozvanku na presidentsky dychanek, porad tomu nemuzu uverit. Rada bych na ambasadu zavolala a zeptala bych se, komu ze mam vdecit za to, ze jsem byla na tak vzacny vecirek pozvana. Bojim se to ale udelat; a to proto, protoze bych mohla nejakym zpusobem rozvyrit vody a pani u telefonu by najednou zjistila, ze udelali chybu a ze misto Tatjany minili pozvat Mr. Tahuanu – vicepresidenta z Nambie nebo co, a ze pry mam pozvanku ignorovat. No, a to proste nejde. Proc? Uz mame letenky a hotelove rezervace;mame zarizene hlidani; uz mam novy kostymek! A nove boty!! A kazdemu zivemu tvoru (vcetne nasi kocky a pavouckovi v koupelne) jsem se o nasem vyletu uz radne pochlubila!!! Zkratka a jiste, ted uz jet MUSIME.
Predstavte si, kdyby nas v onen den na ambasadu nepustili, ze pry nejsme na seznamu. Ja bych tam asi udelala scenu o tom, kolik staly moje nove boty a mily bodyguard by nas vydoprovazel (v zelizkach?) ven na cerstvy vzduch :0)).
PS: Manzel mi zrovna rekl, ze moje saty vypadaji trosku babsky. Takze zpatky do obchodu….doprcic!!!
I am so excited for this opportunity for you. Not to mention you are going to have such a wonderful time. I wasn’t kidding about going shopping for the dress with you….but you are running out of time. Something sophisticated and modern…with a little bit of moxy. I’ll just live vicariously through you!
neverim,ze tve saty vypadaly babsky:) hod foto.
A co nejaky kalhotovy sik kostymek?
Hele – stejne pujde hlavne o kabelku π
teda, ale chapu te – tvoji “cestovni horecku ” π
Gotta love the husband. Spoke the truth in the midst of your excitement. I’m sure the next dress will be better.
Janney: predstav si, ze jsem si ty ‘babske’ saty vymnenila za kalhotovy kostym!!!! Moc krasny, pripadam si v nem jako nejaka manazerka pravni firmy v New Yorku :))
No, a na kabelku jsem uplne zapomnela…tak zpatky do Rossu :))
Hi Karen,
totally! I am so glad my husband pronged me to go back to the store and pick something else…because the new outfit looks so much better! I just said in Czech that I feel like some major lawyer chick.
Some things you just don’t need to know!
Jakou barvu ma tvuj novy kostym? Boty a kabelka by mely byt stejne barvy…
I have a perfect little black purse (my shoes are also black:) but there is a little problem….I got it at Target at the one-dollar isle. Do you think someone will notice??
Tanja – tak to je super – bude ti to v kostymku moc sluset a budes takova “amencipovana π
Nemyslim,ze nekdo pozna, kolik kabelka stala,ale chtelo by to videt fotku
Za dollar v Targetu jo?! Ze bych dnes se sla projit…do Targetu? π
I am so excited for you. I know you will have a blast and you will represent very well. As to the purse (I am assuming you got the purse and not the shoes at the $1.00 section π )… I always say, if they know you got it for a 1.00 or in Wal-Mart or anywhere else, that means they shop there too π Who cares, just make sure the tag is off. π
I am so jealous of you for having a husband that would actually tell you about the dress. Most men would not say anything. Good for him.
Ahoj Lenko!
I do have a good husband. He is concerned about this trip more than me! He is my true partner π
And you are right! If they know where I got it from, guess what…busted!!!
Nobody will know where the purse came from. I have a $3.00 purse from Wal-Mart, I have gotten lots of compliments on that purse. I think it is all made in one prison camp in China anyway(: