What a ‘beauty’, right? Can you guess where was this picture taken? No, it wasn’t shot in some hot desert state like Arizona or Nevada; this spider lives in the Czech Republic! Him and 3 other spider species are not only very rare kinds in nature but they are also THE BIGGEST SPIDERS IN CENTRAL EUROPE (!!) and – let me repeat – they all live in the Czech Republic, namely in the county of Olomouc. All of these four guys are living happily together in one particular area without having the need to compete over each other or eat each other up as it often happens in nature.
These spiders can grow up to 4 cm in diameter and their mandibles can be up to 1 cm wide. But don’t worry they are not poisonous and don’t like to bite humans – they would rather snack on tasty Czech beetles and other bugs. Moreover, they are quite shy, most of the time hiding away under the forest leaves, which means that ordinary person would not see one unless one looks really hard for them. One thing is for sure, those picnic days in Olomouc forests are over for me…;0)
CZ: To je ‘pavoucek’, co? Vite odkud ta fotka je? Ne, neni z nejake horke, poustni Nevady nebo z Arizony – tento krasny pavoucek zije totiz v Cechach!! Pry hned 4 druhy vzacnych, ale take tech NEVJETSICH PAVOUKU VE STREDNI EVROPE ziji v Olomouckem kraji. Co je na tom take zajimave je to, ze ona ctverice zcela rozlisnych (ale stejne obrovskych) pavoucich druhu si zije vesele pohormade, aniz by si navzajem vadili nebo se vzajemne zrali, jak to tak v prirode mnohokdy byva.
Kdyby vas to naaaahodou zajimalo, tak tito pavouci celebrity se jmenuji sklipnik hnedy, stepnik rudy, sklipnkan ponticky a stepnik moravsky; sklipkan ponticky muze dorust az do 4 centimetru. Ale nebojte se, i kdyz jejich kusadla mohou merit az 1 centimetr, jedovati nejsou, spis jim chutnaji strevlici. Navic se pry schovavaji pod listy, tak je normalni lajcka osoba nezahledne. I kdyz musim uznat, ze na Olomoucku (presnou lokalitu prirodovedci nechteji prozradit) uz bych si piknik v lese teda uz neudelala…..
Source: http://magazin.ceskenoviny.cz/cestovani/zpravy/nejvetsi-pavouci-ziji-na-olomoucku/373533&id_seznam=
Ahoj Tanja,
I learned something about you;
read this link to find out what:-)
Nice info thank you. But it will be nice of you if you could just say where did you get this information from. I’d like to find out more about them.
Thank you!
Ahoj Albert,
C’mon, what girl really likes spiders??? There is something about an animal having more than 4 legs….
Hi Peter,
I am sorry, I forgot to put in the source of my information! It is corrected now – you can find the link bellow the article. Thanks!
Dang this spider is hella cool looking. Ha ha.