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Number of HIV-infected Czechs is on its all-time high / Pocet HIV pozitivnich v CR roste

HIV virus flickr imageThe total of 147 Czechs were infected with the HIV virus within the last year, which is the biggest increase ever since the the 1980’s. The highest numbers of infected individuals are registered in Prague (466) and Ustecko (NW of Prague). The lowest numbers of HIV-infected Czechs can be found in the Pardubice area (9) and Vysocina (11). According to the European center for infectious diseases, about 1/4th to 1/5th of  of HIV-infected individuals actually do not know that they have the virus, which makes it approximately 300 extra individuals affected with this horrible virus.

Since 1986 the total of 265 Czechs have gotten sick with AIDS ( i.e. HIV turned into AIDS) and 142 of them have already passed away. Those numbers are of course extremely low compared to other European countries such as Portugal with about 30,000 HIV-positive individuals, which is  about 25-times higher than in CR. The numbers however increase if you count in the HIV-positive  foreigners (304) who do not have a permanent residency in the Czech Republic, therefore cannot be counted toward the country’s total number of affected Czechs. Most of them come from Eastern Europe and Africa. As far as transmission goes, 55% of these individuals were infected via a homosexual or bisexual  intercourse and 31% of them were infected heterosexually. Only 5% of the HIV-infected people were infected through the usage of needles (I would think that this percentage is higher..).

CZ: Minuly rok pribylo v Cechach 147 HIV pozitivnich, coz je nejvetsi narust od poloviny 80. let. Nejvetsi pocet infikovanych ma Ustecky kraj  (?) a Praha (466 pozitivnich). Stredocesky kraj (celkem 97 pozitivnich) a Jihomorovasky kraj (82 pozitivnich) take zaznamenal rust. Naopak nejmene HIV pozitivnich se nachazi v Pardubickemr kraji (9) a na Vysocine (11). Podle odhadu Evropskeho centra pro kontrolu nemoci ale 1/5 az 1/4 nakazenych o HIV viru ve svem tele nevi, coz znamena, ze zhruba 300 lidi v CR jsou netusi, ze jsou nakazeni.

Od roku 1986 v CR na AIDS onemocnelo celkem 265 lidi a 142 z nich jiz zemrelo. Toto  jsou samozrejme velmi nizka cisla v porovnani s dalsimi zememi EU jako napriklad Portugalsko, ktere ma 30.000 HIV pozitivnich (25krat vice nez CR). V Cechach zije rovnez 304 HIV pozitivnich cizincu bez trvaleho pobytu; nejvice jich pochazi z Afriky a z Vychodni Evropy. Co se tyce prenosu, Ceske noviny nas informuji, ze 55% se nakazilo homosexualnim a bisexualnim stykem; heterosexualnim stykem se nakazilo 31%. Pouhych 5% se nakazilo injekcnim uzivanim drog ( ja jsem myslela, ze to cislo bude vyssi, nez 5%).

Source: http://magazin.ceskenoviny.cz/zdravi/zpravy/loni-pribylo-v-cr-nejvice-hiv-pozitivnich-od-80-let/357252

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5 comments… add one
  • lenka February 4, 2009, 9:28 am

    Taky bych si myslela ze to bude vice nez 5% temi injekcemi. Jen jsem chtela upozornit ze v tom ceskem prekladu to vypada ze nejvetsi narust v lonskem roce mel Ustecky kraj a Praha – o 466 lidi vice nez predloni. Ale v originalu je to ze celkove zije v techto oblastech tolik infikovanych lidi. Jen me to zezacatku prekvapilo kdyz je narust 147 v cele CR.
    Ale dekuji za informace. Super stranky

  • Tanja February 4, 2009, 10:28 am

    Aha, tak ja to opravim. Diky!

  • lenka February 4, 2009, 10:53 am

    🙂 Neni zac

  • colon detox July 29, 2009, 1:54 am

    i wonder when are we going to have the cure for HIV/AIDS ? we are living on an age with very high technology but still we have not found a cure for this disease.

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