The Queen visited Slovakia couple of days ago. Although it was raining quite heavily the whole atmosphere was brightened up by the Queen’s bright red outfit, screaming “happy” in every direction. Queen Elizabeth is now 82 years old,however, she still travels all over the world and takes interest other countries. The reason why she was visiting Slovakia was to meet not only the Slovakian president Ivan Gasparovic but also the Nobel Peace Prize nominee Sir Nicholas Winton, known as “Britain’s Schindler”.
This 99-year-old honorable man managed to save about 670 Jewish children from former Czechoslovakia just before the World War II started. Now they are all – the Queen, Sir Winton, AND the saved “kids” – to meet near the border where he would smuggle the children to safety. The Czechs actually made a great movie about it called “All My Loved Ones”
, which depicts one of the Jewish families whose child was saved by Sir Winton (Nicholas Winton also appears in the movie). I highly recommend it.
CZ: Pred par dny navstivila anglicka kralovna Slovensko. I kdyz cely den lilo jako z konve,mistni atmosfera byla rozjasnena kralovninym jasne cervneym kostymkem, ktery vesele ozaroval cele okoli. Je ji sice jiz 82 let, ale to pro ni nic neznamena; stale ciperne cestuje po cele zemekouli a zajima se o deni mnoha zemi. Tentokrat se zastavila na Slovensku, a to aby nejen ze potkala slovenskeho president Ivana Gasparovice, ale aby se take seznamila s “Britskym Sindlerem” Sirem Nicholasem Wintonem, kdo tesne pred valkou zachranil z Ceskoslovenska kolem 670 zidovskych deti. Pri tomto setkani budou take pritomne one “deti” (ted jim je kolem 60-ti let), ktere Winton tehdy zachranil. Sir Winton je za sve hrdinske skutky nominovany na Nobelovu cenu miru. Jestlize jste jeste nevideli cesky film zvany “All My Loved Ones” (bohuzel nevim cesky preklad), tak se na to urcite podivejte – je to vyborny film.
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Hi Tani:
You have a misspelled word in the first sentence :o) Just kidding!!!!
I never heard of Mr. Winton. Have to check it out. Schindler’s List is one of my favorite movies. Ever. :o)
I do it on purpose to tick you guys off 😉
Yeah,”All my loved ones” is a good one – Abrham (Vrchni prchni) a “Popelka” (Can’t think of her name now) are in it.
That’s Libuska Safrankova. Did you know they are married in a real life?
ten film se jmenuje Vsichni moji blizci.. 😉
Jo, jasne! Tak ted uz budu moci zase spat…Dik!
The most incredible thing on the Nicholas Winton’s story is, that nobody knew about what he did until his wife found some documents in 1988. So humble he was about saving 700 lives. I am always so moved only reading about him, he is a true hero.