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And the Czech tree of the year is…/ A strom roku je…

Czechs are definitely going green! You want proof? Not only is Prague going to be competing for the best “European Green city” in the near future but it has been promoting green games and competitions such as the “Best tree of the Year”. This year’s winner was a beautiful and shapely lime-tree from a little town of Rimov. It won over 34,000 votes from the total of 80,000 of them. And you know what the grand price was? Well, it wasn’t going to be any traditional beauty gift such as a new car, a diamond necklace or a full day in the spa, but something quite different.

Our lime-tree beauty won  a special special dendrologist treatment during this upcoming spring. How special is that! If those tree doctors finds out that the tree (and its surrounding friends) is healthy and well, then the money will go to planting some new trees in the area. As you can see, the Czech Republic is trying really hard to raise awareness about the current ecological issues of the country. Good for them!

CZ: Z Cechu se stavaji opravdovi “zelenaci”! Chcete dukaz? Nejen ze se v budoucnosti Praha chysta uchazet o misto “Nejlepsiho zeleneho evropskeho mesta”, ale take se snazi propagovat ruzne ekologicke souteze a hry, jako byla napriklad nedavna soutez “Titulu Stromu roku 2008”.Lipa Jana Gurreho z jihoceskeho Rimova. Vyhrala rekordnich 34.000 hlasu, coz byla vice nez tretina celkoveho poctu hlasujicich lidi (80.000 hlasujicich).  A vite co ta nase krasavice vyhrala? Nebylo to nove auto, diamantovy nahrdelnik nebo vylet na Hawai, bylo to neco uplne jineho. Tato vitezna drevina vyhrala na jare odborne dendrologicke (dendrolog=doktor stromu) vysetreni! Jestlize se na jare ukaze, ze lipa a jeji okolni kamaradi jsou zdrave jako ripy, za usetrene penize se vysadi v Rimove nove stromky. Jak vidite, Cechy se opravdu snazi vzbudit u verejnosti zajem o zelen a ekologii jako celek. No, konecne! TItul vyhrala nadherne rostla


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