The celebrity Czech writer Milan Kundera was recently accused of collaborating with the communist police and snitching on a Western agent. Why do they accuse him 58 years later? The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes accidentally discovered a seemingly irrefutable document (see the picture bellow) which claims that Kundera went to a police station and turned Mr. Miroslav Dvoracek (a secret agent) in, knowing that Dvoracek would probably face death sentence for a treason.
Dvoracek, who managed to emigrate in 1948, was coming back to Czechoslovakia in 1950 as a secret agent. Kundera heard that he was keeping his suitcase at one of his old friend’s dorm room and knew that he would come back for it. And Dvoracek did come back for his suitcase but the communist police was already waiting for him. As expected, Dvoracek was accused of treason, got “lucky” and was given 22 years of hard labor in the uranium mines; he was also fined 10,000 Czech crowns, lost all of his possessions and lost his citizenship. They let him go after 14 years of imprisonment but under a condition. Fortunately for Dvoracek the Russian invasion happened in 1968 and he managed to escape once again. Today Miroslav still lives in Sweden and up till now wrongly assumed that an old Czech friend of his told on him. After he had viewed this new information about his case he had a heart attack and is currently in a state of recovery.
What does Milan Kundera to say to all this? He claims that he is innocent and that he doesn’t know anybody by the name of Miroslav Dvoracek. He is aware of the fact that his name is on the above mentioned police report but has no explanation for it. Some people believe that it is no mistake Kundera has been staying away from the Czech Republic, quietly living in France, even many years after the Velvet Revolution.
Couple of days after this breaking news came into picture yet another person, Zdenek Pesata (now terminally ill), who claims that once he saw the Kundera accusing news in the paper the whole story came back to him and told the news the real “truth”: the person who actually told on Dvoracek was Dvoracek’s friend’s boyfriend, MIroslav Dlask. Dlask was afraid that his girlfriend would have gotten into a trouble if the police found out that she was collaborating with traitors. Unfortunatelly, Mr. Dlask is dead now, so we cannot ask him for answers. Yet the strongest evidence points back to Kundera. The police document is not forged and and Kundera’s name is on it. And why would Pesata start talking now and not earlier??
Milan Kundera is the author of best-sellers such as The Unbearable Lightness of Being
or The Joke
. As an opposer of the communist regime, his name was blacklisted by the authorities and his books were banned. He fled the country in 1975 and has been living in France ever since.
The former dissident Jan Urban sums up the whole thing pretty well: “This story definitely reveals a very dark history of one day of Kundera’s life. He was 21 (young) when he did that….If he could just say,’ yes, I made a mistake’…”
CZ: Velespisovatel Milan Kundera byl nedavno obvinen z kolaborace s komunisty. Ustav Totalitniho Rezimu totiz zverejnil dokument, policeji zpravu z roku 1950, ktera zverejnuje Milana Kunderu, jako udavatele byvaleho zapadniho agenta Miroslava Dvoracka. Miroslavovi se podarilo uprchnout jiz v roce 1948, ale vracel se do Cech jako tajny, protikomuisticky agent. Na ulici potkal svou byvalou kamaradku, u ktere si schoval na kratko kufr. A kdyz se pro nej vratil, cekala uz na nej policie. Miroslava odsoudili za velezradu a dostal dlouhych 22 let nejhorsiho vezeni, tedy manualni prace v uranovych dolech. Po 14ti letech byl propusten na podminku; nastesti pro Mirka prislo ale o 4 roky pozdeji Prazske Jaro, a podarilo se mu opet utect – tentokrat i s rodinou – do Svedska, kde zije dodnes. A co tomu narknuti rika sam Kundera? Vsechno popira, novinarum rekl, ze zadnou osobu pod jmenem Miroslava Dvoracka ani nezna. Nepopira to, ze je jeho jmeno na vyse uvedene policejni zprave, ale nedokaze to nijak vysvetlit. Mnoho lidi si mysli, ze neni zadnou nahodou, ze Kundera stale zije tise ve Francii, temer izolovany od Cech, mnoho let po prevratu.
Par dni pote, co byla tato zprava zverejnena v novinach prisla do obrazu ale jina osoba, a to Zdenek Pesat. Pesat tvrdi, ze Dvoracka udal Miroslav Dlask, tehdejsi pritel zeny, ktera uschovala Dvorackovi onen osudny kufr. Dlask je ale dnes jiz mrtvy, a nikdo se ho na odpovedi zeptat bohuzel nemuze…
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Známých osobností v archivech StB a policejních zprávách bylo nalezeno už hodně, Kundera není první ani poslední. Jde o to, že za totality StB vedla ve svých záznamech lidi jako své agenty, přitom mnozí to ani netušili a nikdy s ní fakticky nespolupracovali. Důkazů pro i proti je málo…
Ale je dnes take znamo, ze Kundera byl v roce 1950 zapalenym komunistou (bylo mu 21 let)- dokonce byl na jeho fakulte i predakem!! Ze strany ho samozrejmne pozdeji vyhodili, ale tato brzka faze jeho komunisticke “kariery” proste casove sedi – co se tyce Dvorackova pripadu.
It is well known now that Kundera was a devoted communist in the 1950’s so it would only make sense for him to call the police on Dvorak at that time.
Kundera was never a “devoted communist”; he was, as almost all were at that time, an ordinary member with no particular belief in Socialism. That his name appears on a document is not in doubt. But I fail to see why everyone suddenly believes nonsense written by a criminal regime! The document is an ‘original forgery’, in that the police officer who wrote it was given false information. (The historian who found the document was undoubtedly doing his job, but he is young and cannot realise the implications of his actions.)
Hi Alastair,
and how could the officer get a false information if Kundera simply came to the police station on that day and told the officer the story himself?