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Pavel Ivancic, the Czech Designer of the Year, talks about the Czech fashion / Navrhar roku Pavel Ivancic mluvi o ceske mode

If you saw Pavel Ivancic walking in the streets of Prague you would see a normal, nice looking guy. But a little would you know, that he is carefully evaluating your current outfit and probably thinking that you had no style at all. Who is this clean-cut looking guy? Pavel has been actually voted the Czech fashion designer of 2007. He studied in London, worked in Paris, met the most prestigious designers in the world and now he has its own fashion brand called “Muset”. Radio Prague did an interview with him and  I was surprised to find out that Pavel things there is no fashion business in the Czech Republic. Supposedly there is not a single store that would sell Czech designer stuff! One actually has to have his own business to do that. Pavel also thinks that the Czech fashion has a lack of personal style. All the guys look like they are going on some trip or something”, comments Pavel (that made me laugh, because he is so right!). You can read the whole interview right here (click here).

CZ: Kdyby jste potkali Pavla Ivancice  v prazskych ulicich, nic zvlastniho byste si o nem nemysleli; proste normalni kluk. Co ale nevite je, ze vas a vase obleceni velmi pozorne ohodnocuje, a pravdepodobne si rika, ze nemate absoutne zadny vkus. Kdo ze je tento uhlazeny mladik? Pavel vyhral soutez Nejlepsiho ceskeho modniho navrhare roku 2007. A to neni vsechno; studoval navrharskou universitu v Londyne, pracoval v Parizi a take se seznamil  s mnoho znamymi navrhari z celeho sveta. Radio Praha s nim nedavno udelalo rozhovor a po jeho precneni jsem se dozvedela moc zajimavych veci. Vite napriklad, ze v Cechach neni vubec zadny byznyz pro cesky design? Zadne ceske butiky pry neberou obleceni od ceskych navrharu! Jedina cesta, jak zacit prodavat vase vlastni obleceni je mit svuj vlastni obchod. Pavel si take mysli, ze ceska moda nema dostatek osobniho stylu. “Vsichni chlapi vypadaji, jako ze jedou na vylet, nebo co”, dodava Pavel (tomuto komentu jsem se opravdu musela zasmat; vetsina z nich opravdu tak vypada!). Cele interview si muzete precist zde (kliknete zde).

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