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Suicides in the Czech Republic are on its all-time low / sebevrazd v Cesku ubyva

This year has been marked with the lowest number of suicides ever since the 19th century (yes!). It is hard to believe but 1,400 Czechs killed themselves last year. The highest increase of this kind of death was marked in the years of 1929 (worldwide economical crisis), 1934 (the total of 4,000 suicides) and in 1970 (the communist normalization period). When you add all those numbers together, in the last 50 years killed themselves about 100,000 Czechs! However, it is known today, that about 90% of these poor souls suffered with a clinical depression. Fortunately, the Czech Republic has currently much more psychiatrists who are (unfortunately??) prescribing antidepressant drugs left and right (in the last 10 years the consumption of antidepressants has increased 3 times).

The Czech bureau of Statistics recently released several data about suicides (that would be called a black humor, I believe?):

  • 1,200 people A DAY kill themselves (worldwide)
  • The most common suicide is hanging, followed by shooting, poisoning and jumping
  • the biggest number of suicides fall on Monday, the least falls on Saturday
  • the biggest number of suicides happens in April, the least is in December (I would have thought that it’s the other way…)
  • On average, the biggest number of suicides happens on the 1st of January (I guess it’s the New Year’s resolution that does it?)

CZ: Tento rok zaznamenal nejnizsi pocet sebevrazed od konce 19. stoleti (hura!!). Je to skoro k neuvereni, ale minuly rok se zabilo priblizne 1400 lidi (to je hruza..). Nejvice sebevrazed bylo zaznamenano v roce 1929 (hospodarska krize = ztrata zamestnani, alkoholism, deprese), 1934 (4000 sebevrazd!), a v roce 1970 (obdobi normalizace). Za poslednich 50 let si tedy dohromady vzalo zivot kolem 100.000 Cechu. Dnes se ale vi, ze kolem 90% techto nestastniku trpelo depresi. Ceska republika  ma v soucasne dobe mnohem vice psychiatru, kteri predpisuji vice antidepresiv (za poslednich 10 let se zpotreba techto leku ztrojnasobila).

Cesky statisticky uraz nedavno zverejnil nektere zajimavosti o sebevrazdach (tedy trosku takovy cerny humor…):

  • na svete umira sebevrazdou DENNE 1200 lidi
  • nejcastejsim zpusobem sebevrazdy je obeseni, pak zastreleni, otraveni a skok z vysky
  • nejvice sebevrazd je v dubnu, nejmene v prosinci (ja bych spis hadala, ze je to naopak)
  • nejvice sebevrazd je v pondeli, nejmene v sobotu
  • prumerne nejvice sebevrazd podle dnu se stava 1.ledna (asi to bude tou novorocni rezoluci?)

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/index_view.php?id=337333

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3 comments… add one
  • Bedrich Kalina January 7, 2013, 7:31 am

    Dobry den,
    radio Cesko hlasilo zacatkem listopadu 1 600 sebebvrazd, cili do konce roku by se mohl pocet pohybovat kolem 2 000. Pokud se v Tibetu upali několik mnichu, tak vsechny svetove noviny
    informuji o kazdem jednotlivem pripadu. V CR lichvari “poslali na onen svet” mozna 2 000 i vice, a nikoho to nezajima!!!???. To je velmi alarmujici….????!!!!
    Vladnouci cynicka luza ignoruje soucasny stav, a prezident-dalit lze, lze……a lze

  • Tanja January 7, 2013, 8:43 am

    Dobry den Bedrichu,

    to je opravdu alarmujici cislo :(. Myslite, ze jsou to vetsinou lide,kteri ziji sami a svatky jsou pro ne tezke?

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