Hradec Kralove, a Czech town about 50 miles east of Prague, experienced an unusual car accident. A reckless semi-truck driver did not make a full stop at an intersection and hit the car in front of him. The thing is that the semi-truck was carrying a about 20 pigs who managed to escape and scatter all over the town. The local firefighters had to become humble sheppards for couple of hours while they were chasing the pigs all over the town. If you would like to see a video of this Hradec Kralove drama click here (it is located in the middle of the Czech article). But beware, the authorities actually had to put one of those pigs down and the movie shows that as well.
CZ: V Hradci Kralove dnes havaroval kamion, kteremu pri teto nestastne nehode uteklo take 20 prasat.Jedno prasatko bylo tezce zranene a zbylych 19 prasat se rozuteklo po celem Hradci Kralove. Z hasicu sestali na par hodin pastyri, behali po horech dolech, aby prasatka zase dali do kupy – a podarilo se jim to 🙂 Clanek v Ceskych Novinach take poskytuje dosti drsne video – ukazuji tam totiz mimo jine take utraceni onoho zraneneho prasete. Video muzete najit zde (kliknete zde).
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