The ex-president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, is currently working together with his old-time buddy, director Milos Forman on a new movie. Havel is editing the actual movie dialogues – a job that comes as a second nature to him, as he has had a lot of experience from writing numerous succesful plays in the past. What is the movie about? It’s based on a French book called “The Ghost of Munich
” written by Gorgesse-Marc Banamoun. The book came out last year and the writer makes it look like an interview of a retired French prime minister Daladier (also one of the participants of the Munich Conference in 1938) questioned by a young American reporter. “This topic is important for many different reasons. If we don’t want the mistakes of the 20th century democracy to repeat itself in the future, then it is imperial we remember what had happened in the past and we understand the chain of events as well”, explains Vaclav Havel.
The Munich Agreement was a treaty regarding the Sudetenland (NW border of former Czechoslovakia) which permitted its German annexation without the consent of any of the Czechoslovakian leaders (!!). France, Great Britain and Italy abandoned this country to its fate in their attempts to maintain peace. By this day the Czechs and the Slovaks call it the “Munich Betrayal” because the military alliances between Czechoslovakia and France were not honored. The Munich Agreement had influenced the history of Czechoslovakia for many years to come.
CZ: Byvaly president Ceske Republiky Vaclav Havel v soucasne spolupracuje na novem filmu Milose Formana, a to ze upravuje dialogy. O cem ze film bude? O Mnichovske dohode (1938), ktera nejenze predznamenala konec Prvni ceskoslovenske republiky, ale take poznamenala jeji dejiny na cla desetileti. Predlohou filmu je kniha francouzskeho spisovatele Gorgese-Marca Benamouna zvana Mnichovsky prizrak (The Ghost of Munich) a je podana formou rozhovoru byvaleho francouzskeho premiera Daladiera (ucastnika Mnichovske dohody) s mladou Americkou zurnalistkou. “Toto tema je zajimave z duvodu vice nez zrejmych. Nemaji-li se opakovat vsechny chyby, ktere demokracie spachala behem 20. stoleti, tak je treba abychom si pamatovali, co se stalo a znali ty souvislosti,” vysvetluje Havel.
Mnichovska dohoda byla smlouva tyakajici se Sudetu ( SZ cast Ceske republiky) a dalsich pohranicnich uzemi CR, ktera opravnovala jejich odstoupeni Nemecku (Adolfu Hitlerovi). Dohoda se nekdy nazyva take Mnichovska zrada, protoze byla podepsana Velkou Britanii, Francii, Nemeckem, a Italii, aniz by to bylo odsouhlasenou Ceskou republikou – ta totiz nebyla na “party” ani pozvana. Zastupci techto 4 zemi si totiz blahove mysleli, ze si tim tak udobri Adolfa Hitlera. Francie se ale ukazala jako nejvetsi zradce, protoze v teto dobe mela dohodu s Ceskoslovenskem, a to o vzajemne vojenske ochrane.
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I sure hope that Havel is going to be one of the actors 🙂
Doufam, ze si tam Havel zahraje hlavni roli!
I am not sure if he is one of those people that like that much attention…I think he is more of a know those writers;)
nevim, nevim, jestli ma rad tolik pozornosti – spis si myslim, ze je to samotar; to vis, spisovatele 😉