The My Czech Republic blog recently released some wonderful images of a Czech countryside during the harvest season. Those pictures immediately brought me back in time and space and I could smell the rich aromas of our deep woods and endless fields…..I miss it so much!!! I wish they had one of those bathroom refresheners in the “Czech countryside” scent...Here are the pictures (click here):
CZ: Blog zvany “My Czech Republic” pred nedavnem publikoval par fotografii zabirajicich ceskou krajinu v dobe Dozinek a skoro jsem z nich az citila letni vune nasich hlubokych lesu a nekonecnych poli….to je to nejvetsi, co mi chybi – ceska priroda! Skoda ze tu neprodavaji zachodove vune ve stylu “Czech coutryside”! Hned bych se zasobovala na par let….Tady jsou ty fotky (klikenete zde)