According to the WEF (World Economy Forum) and the technological company Cisco the internet is used by only 34.7% of Czechs. This puts them on the 35th place in the world as far as the internet usage is concerned. How did the other countries do? It turns out that the Czechs are not as computer savvy as their other European neighbors:
- Slovakia: 42%
- Hungary: 34.8%
- Netherlands: 89%(!!)
- Ethiopia: 1% (no surprise there)
It would be nice to know how the US turned out compared to Netherlands but the article doesn’t talk about any oher countries but the ones mentioned above:(
PS: At least the Czechs won’t end up like the guy on the picture!
CZ: Podle Svetoveho ekonomickeho fora (WEF) a technologicke spolecnosti Cisco vyuziva v Cesku internet pouze 34,5% obyvatel, coz je v porovnani s dalsimi zememi radi na 35. misto na svete. Jak dopadly dalsi zeme? Ukazalo se ze Cesi nejsou az tak pocitacovi mistri, jak by se predpokladalo. Takto dopadly dalsi staty:
- Slovensko: 42%
- Madarsko: 34.8%
- Nizozemsko: 89% (!!)
- Etiopie: 1%
Dosti by me zajimalo, jak dopadlo USA v porovnani s Nizozemci, ale tento clanek uz bohuzel zadne jine zeme nezminuje 🙁
PS: Alespon Cesi nezkoncuji jako ten chudak na fotce!
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