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Tracking radar approved, Russia is hysterical / Radarova zakladna schalena, Rusko ma amok

“Shaking hands” yahoo imageCouple of days ago Washington and Prague signed the treaty to place a tracking radar in the Czech Republic as part of a system that the US (and other countries) needs as a protection against any missile attack from possible hostile countries in the Middle East. And who ends up screaming “bloody murder” about this? Russia! Medvedev, the current president of Russia, told the news: “we are extremely upset about this situation…we will not be hysterical but we will think of retaliatory steps“. Medved considers the US missile shield plans a direct threat to its security. As far as I am concerned those US security plans don’t need to be a threat if he is not hiding anything….We have a saying in Czech for people like Medved: “Potrefena husa se vzdycky ozve” (The shot goose will always make noise”, meaning, the one that’s guilty will always make the biggest noise).

CZ: Praha a Washington v utery podepsaly dohodu o protiraketovemu radaru, ktery bude v budoucnosti umisten v Ceske republice. A kdo z toho ma nejvetsi amok? Rusko! Rusky president Medvedev rozcilene konstatoval novinarum: “my jsme z teto situace velmi rozhorceni…nebudeme tady delat sceny, ale budeme muset premyslet o odvete”. Medved pry bere stavbu zakladny jako prime ohrozeni bezpecnosti Ruska. Proc se tak strasne boji? Schovava snad neco? Jak se rika po cesku, “potrefena husa se vzdycky ozve”…

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25600626

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13 comments… add one
  • robert July 12, 2008, 3:20 pm

    An American missile shield a few hundred miles from the Russian border, hmmm…. reminds me of a certain island very near to the US mainland where some missiles were placed by the Sowjets in October 1962…

    Hmmm, and you think Medved is acting like the shot goose…
    Unfortunately, you have moved far from your roots.

  • keef July 12, 2008, 11:00 pm


    You should actually learn something about history before you accuse someone of ‘moving far from their roots’ and actually thinking through an issue.

    The glaring difference between the Cuban missile crisis and this situation is, uh, like, they were MISSILES pointed at the US?!?!

    Here we are talking about a RADAR being utilized for MISSILE DEFENSE against missiles being launched from hostile nations. The US is not putting in missiles pointed at Russia for God’s sake -apparently that difference is lost on you.

    Could this ‘upset the balance of power’? Damn right it could, and it’s a good thing for the US, Europe and Israel that the balance is tipped in their favor. So when some crazy ass nation like Iran launches a nuke at Israel or Prague or New York, we will have the capability to knock that thing out of the sky.

    Now you tell me -why would that upset Russia so much? Because they grow shadier by the day, and when they decide to come rolling into Prague like they did in ’68, this time the US will actually do something about it because they don’t want nobody messing with that radar system. And at that point, you better be hugging and kissing that radar system like it was Angelina Jolie with your name on her lips.

  • robert July 13, 2008, 10:53 am

    The Sowjet missiles were not aimed at the US, they were there to protect Cuba from an invasion.
    And before you say that the Sowjets initiated the Caribbean Crisis, think about the fact that the US removed its missiles from Turkey (“there to protect against any attack of e.g. Iran on Israel…”) because they realised that it indeed posed a threat to other countries.
    Seeing the less than positive recent history of the US (war in Iraq v1.0 / v.2.0, Afghanistan v1.0 / v2.0, Vietnam, Korea etc.) and the generally quite vindictive nature of American politicians, I can only praise Medved for his approach.
    If the Missile shield is REALLY necessary, why did the US not try to reach an agreement with Russia (like at the G8 summit last week) instead of just pushing through their own opinion?

    OW and it is NOT just a radar, because if it were I would mock the US even more.
    “Nice that you installed a state-of-the-art radar, could you also please install something which can remove those incoming missiles? ” hahaha
    NO, the US installed 10 long range missiles.
    And I am not the only one who is completely opposed to the US installing those missiles on Czech soil, just read this;

  • Robert July 13, 2008, 10:55 am

    And why the **** would you want to kiss Angelina Jolie? *brrrr*

  • Keef July 13, 2008, 9:33 pm


    Sorry, Jolie was all I could think of since she was in Prague a short time ago. Perhaps Brad Pitt would work for you then? 🙂

    You REALLY need to look at facts and history a little closer.

    OF COURSE the missiles were in Cuba aimed at the US!! Yes, to discourage US invasion but more importantly to further Soviet plans for communist expansion. Yes that’s right Robert, all the ‘paranoia’ about Soviet plans to spread communism throughout the world was proven TRUE in the 1990’s when transcripts (look up the venona project) revealed it to be the case.

    And in fact, I think that is something that is key to your responses here. It appears that you either do not know or have forgotten what soviet communism had done to your country, eastern Europe and the world in general.

    They were not moral equivalents to the US. The US did not and does not have expansionist plans. The Soviets on the other hand are on record as saying “we will bury you” (Kruschev) and “the US will do nothing if we (USSR) expand throughout Asia” (Stalin , speaking of Vietnam, Korea etc.).

    And to your statement about the ‘less than positive’ aspects of the past US wars -less than positive to whom? South Korea is a thriving country today because of our involvement. Afghanistan is free from the Taliban. Ask them what’s postive.

    Why do you assume that any comprimise that Russia offered to the US missile defense was reasonable? Why do you just assume that the US opinion was invalid?

    Those 10 missiles in Poland Robert, are INTERCEPTOR defensive missiles. They are NOT long range or even short range ICBM’s.

    Once again, look at the facts, review history (and history that was not written in Communist textbooks) and then speak up. Until then you just show yourself to be foolish and incomplete in your thinking and incompetent in your assessment of the facts.

    And Americans are the ones accused of being ignorant. Good lord…

    I think I’ll go have one too many piva now.

  • robert July 13, 2008, 9:47 pm

    With this post you have only proven my point, for you assume that the USSR is the same as Russia, which it is not.
    The US however, is still the same….
    And let us please not deviate too far from the focal point of discussion, for if it is history you want I can dredge up many, many more sordid details of US involvement in “shady business” (Bay of pigs, murder-attempts of Castro, Iran-contra affaire, helping Bin Laden in power (afghanistan war), and helping Saddam in power (Iraq – Iran war)) for instance.

  • keef July 20, 2008, 3:22 am

    I have proven what point exactly? Current day Russia is obviously not the same as the USSR so why would they be so afraid about the US putting up a DEFENSIVE MISSILE SHIELD? Emphasis once again on DEFENSIVE.

    Sordid details of the US past eh? Let’s see-

    Bay of pigs -failed attempt to stop the spread of communism.

    Murder attempts of Castro? when and where exactly? And even if so- once again- a failed attempt to stop a sick and twisted communist dictator.

    Iran-contra -anti khomeini and anti communist actions.

    Helping Bin Laden in power? You mean support the Mujahadeen against -once again- communist USSR?

    Helping Saddam against Iran. Yes that’s right -the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We also allied with Stalin to defeat Hitler who was a much greater worldwide threat at the time. Were we wrong for doing that as well?

    It appears Robert you have no problems with horrific totalitarian regimes and or thuggish genocidal dictators.

    Once again I ask- did YOU forget that until 1989 if you attempted to leave the Czech rep. you would be SHOT ON SIGHT? doesn’t that seems a bit strange to you?

    So you can kiss Reagan’s grave and thank him everyday that because of his stand against the USSR, YOU, my friend, are free to roam as you please.

  • robert July 20, 2008, 4:49 pm

    As my mother always said, it is not possible to “yawn against an oven”.
    If you think you know it better than that is fine, just please never come near my kids (or any kids for that matter).
    Your nationalist attitude is the reason thousands of young Americans were senselessly killed in many countries.

  • keef July 20, 2008, 5:48 pm

    Maybe that’s your problem -the only person you’ve ever listened to is your mommy. No wonder facts and logic have no effect on you.

    Your illogical, mamma’s boy attitude is the reason millions of people die all over the world -because you never grew enough of a spine to stand up against evil when it is staring you in the face.

    You and and your children are the one’s to be pitied.

  • robert July 20, 2008, 7:31 pm

    Seeing that you (apparently) want to stoop so low as to start insulting, I will not continue this discussion.

    Kind regards,

    Dr. R.P. de Wit, Msc, LLM

  • keef July 20, 2008, 8:45 pm

    What? what planet are you on?

    I believe you began with the insults because it is an insult to say “just don’t come near my kids or any kids for that matter”. I merely responded in kind.

    It wasn’t much of a discussion anyway seeing as how you wouldn’t respond to any facts or points I would bring up.

    I just the hope ‘the tanks don’t have to come rolling in’ once again for you to see some of my points.


  • Tanja July 20, 2008, 10:05 pm

    well, that went well…

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